Manga Poll
Have you ever read a series you would rate as a 1 (lowest score possible)?
I've never read anything that bad
Not often, but it happens
I often go out of my way to torture myself
Manga is the Japanese equivalent of comics
with a unique style and following. Join the revolution! Read some manga today!

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New Poll - Reliving the Past

This week's poll was suggested by our member mallika23. It's the classic time travel question about your own life.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: What is your favorite pre-2006 planet (except Earth)?
Mercury - votes: 75 (3.3%)
Venus - votes: 177 (7.7%)
Mars - votes: 306 (13.3%)
Jupiter - votes: 299 (13%)
Saturn - votes: 491 (21.4%)
Uranus - votes: 199 (8.7%)
Neptune - votes: 228 (9.9%)
Pluto - votes: 520 (22.7%)
There were 2295 total votes.
The poll ended: July 1st, 2023 11:12am PDT

To the person who wondered why I didn't include other dwarf planets: Because I never considered those planets in my lifetime. Too bad

Posted by lambchopsil on 
July 1st, 2023 11:27am PDT
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New Poll - Planets

This week's poll was suggested by Afiaki. I'm surprised this was never suggested before. For the purposes of this, Pluto is included, even though it's not considered a planet anymore.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: What sector / industry creates the best or most memorable advertisements?
Medical - votes: 31 (1.9%)
Automotive - votes: 118 (7.4%)
Food - votes: 595 (37.1%)
Military - votes: 44 (2.7%)
Government - votes: 19 (1.2%)
Entertainment - votes: 285 (17.8%)
Charity - votes: 19 (1.2%)
Scam - votes: 292 (18.2%)
Personal Health - votes: 30 (1.9%)
Insurance - votes: 142 (8.9%)
House / Garden - votes: 27 (1.7%)
There were 1602 total votes.
The poll ended: June 24th, 2023 10:49pm PDT

I remember seeing behind-the-scenes of how food commercials are made, and it was fascinating!

Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 24th, 2023 10:52pm PDT
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New Poll - Ads

This week's poll was suggested by LazyReviewer. What's the best ad or commercial that you've seen?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: An older manga set in modern times is being newly adapted into anime. What time period should the anime be set in?
Same as the manga's original setting - votes: 2164 (83.7%)
Same as the anime's release year (i.e., flip phones in manga are now smartphones in anime) - votes: 420 (16.3%)
There were 2584 total votes.
The poll ended: June 17th, 2023 9:56am PDT

Keep it the way it was!

Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 17th, 2023 10:01am PDT
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New Poll - Updating Time Period

This week's interesting poll was suggested by 8-3. I like their examples, so I'm just gonna quote them here:

Hoshi no Samidare
The manga was released between 2005 and 2010, while the anime was released in 2022.
In the manga, people have flip-phones and even chunky CRT televisions, which is pretty normal for 2005.
In the anime adaptation, they have smartphones and flat-screen televisions.

Magic Kaito
This manga originally started in 1987. There is an anime adaptation that aired between 2014 and 2015.
Once again, consumer technology was updated to reflect what was considered the latest at the time.
However, they also updated the character profiles to reflect the newer time period. Many of the characters are high school students, so instead of being born in the 1970s, they were now born in the 1990s.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Where are you from?
North Africa - votes: 133 (4.1%)
South Africa - votes: 27 (0.8%)
East Asia - votes: 75 (2.3%)
South Asia - votes: 115 (3.5%)
Southeast Asia - votes: 271 (8.4%)
Central America - votes: 28 (0.9%)
North America - votes: 999 (30.8%)
South America - votes: 333 (10.3%)
Eastern Europe - votes: 342 (10.5%)
Western Europe - votes: 709 (21.8%)
Middle East - votes: 102 (3.1%)
Oceania - votes: 111 (3.4%)
There were 3245 total votes.
The poll ended: June 10th, 2023 8:11am PDT

English speaking countries, no surprise there

Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 10th, 2023 8:18am PDT
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New Poll - Geography

This week's poll, suggested by Afiaki, is about where you're from. Last time we did something similar was about a decade ago.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: When you see or hear "Conan," what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Detective Conan (1994 manga still ongoing to this day) - votes: 1783 (53.7%)
Future Boy Conan (1978 anime) - votes: 52 (1.6%)
Conan the Barbarian (pulp fiction fantasy hero) - votes: 989 (29.8%)
Arthur Conan Doyle (author of Sherlock Holmes) - votes: 125 (3.8%)
Conan O'Brien (American talk show host) - votes: 310 (9.3%)
Other - votes: 61 (1.8%)
There were 3320 total votes.
The poll ended: June 3rd, 2023 11:43am PDT

Case closed

Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 3rd, 2023 11:57am PDT
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New Poll - Conan

This week's fun little poll was suggested by 8-3. I wonder if his name is Conan...

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: What is your most anticipated wish list item for Black Friday?
Tech & electronics - votes: 574 (33.9%)
Non-tech hobby-related (e.g. crafts, books, exercise equipment, toys) - votes: 168 (9.9%)
Clothes & accessories - votes: 53 (3.1%)
Body care & cosmetics products - votes: 37 (2.2%)
Household goods & plants / gardening - votes: 26 (1.5%)
Something else - votes: 29 (1.7%)
I don't need anything - votes: 404 (23.9%)
I need things but Black Friday's not the best time to buy them - votes: 402 (23.7%)
There were 1693 total votes.
The poll ended: May 27th, 2023 6:30am PDT

Sorry, I should've had an option for whether Black Friday is even a thing in your country

Posted by lambchopsil on 
May 27th, 2023 6:32am PDT
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New Poll - Black Friday Items

This week's poll was suggested by energizerbunny. We're about halfway through the year to the next Black Friday, so any ideas about what you wanna buy?

You can submit poll ideas here

Question: What often prevents you from finishing or catching up with a manga series?
Bad characters - votes: 201 (6.8%)
Bad or boring plot - votes: 1250 (42.1%)
Problematic or controversial themes - votes: 98 (3.3%)
The quality or style of art changed - votes: 66 (2.2%)
Like falling out of an exercise routine, I missed a few chapters and never got back into it - votes: 629 (21.2%)
Favorite character dies - votes: 50 (1.7%)
Busy with real life, then I just never got back to it and forgot the plot - votes: 491 (16.5%)
Some other reason - votes: 182 (6.1%)
There were 2967 total votes.
The poll ended: May 20th, 2023 10:25am PDT

Those lulls in the plot really kill momentum in wanting to continue a series...

Posted by lambchopsil on 
May 20th, 2023 10:31am PDT
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New Poll - Unfinished Series

This week's poll was suggested by how_d_i_get_here. Why do you start a series and not finish it?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you think the quality of manga is currently declining?
Yes, everything only gets worse - votes: 217 (7.1%)
In general, yes, but there are some really good works lately - votes: 1057 (34.5%)
No difference at all - votes: 647 (21.1%)
In general, no, but some new manga are really bad - votes: 958 (31.3%)
No, the new manga are a lot better than older ones - votes: 183 (6%)
There were 3062 total votes.
The poll ended: May 13th, 2023 10:55am PDT

Pretty middle of the road in terms of results

Posted by lambchopsil on 
May 13th, 2023 11:01am PDT
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New Poll - Manga Quality

The idea for this week's poll was suggested by Helipilot, but I re-used an old poll from a decade ago to see if sentiment has changed. Has manga gotten worse? Or better? For the purposes of this, let's just go with manga and not include manhwa or manhua.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: What is the best quality of your favorite hero?
Bravery - votes: 45 (2%)
Conviction - votes: 250 (11%)
Courage - votes: 86 (3.8%)
Determination - votes: 377 (16.5%)
Helpful - votes: 60 (2.6%)
Honesty - votes: 108 (4.7%)
Inspirational - votes: 87 (3.8%)
Moral integrity - votes: 316 (13.8%)
Protective - votes: 100 (4.4%)
Self-sacrifice - votes: 111 (4.9%)
Selflessness - votes: 119 (5.2%)
Strength - votes: 132 (5.8%)
Funny - votes: 219 (9.6%)
Other - votes: 272 (11.9%)
There were 2282 total votes.
The poll ended: May 6th, 2023 12:09pm PDT

Apparently I should've had intelligence as an option

Posted by lambchopsil on 
May 6th, 2023 12:13pm PDT
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New Poll - Qualities of a Hero

This week's poll was suggested by Kaosline83. Think of your favorite hero. What's the best part of him or her?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll results:
Question: What is your favorite day of the week?
Sunday - votes: 245 (9.2%)
Monday - votes: 74 (2.8%)
Tuesday - votes: 72 (2.7%)
Wednesday - votes: 114 (4.3%)
Thursday - votes: 192 (7.2%)
Friday - votes: 743 (28%)
Saturday - votes: 1213 (45.7%)
There were 2653 total votes.
The poll ended: April 29th, 2023 10:02am PDT

Good thing today is Saturday

Posted by lambchopsil on 
April 29th, 2023 10:08am PDT
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