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Happy Mother's Day! (+ New Poll)
Happy Mother's Day to everyone! Go wish all your older female relatives a happy day~ Hope you got nice presents for them too (manga, anybody?)

And to celebrate the occasion, we have a new poll with "motherly" as the first choice.
Question: Which type of person/role do you like seeing most in manga?
(I thought of the poll on the spur of the moment, so apologies for some lame choices...Also, I'm a day late with the new poll, so sorry about that. I was busy the whole day yesterday...)

You can discuss the poll here:
And if you choose "other" as an option, feel free to tell us which unlisted type of person you like seeing most!

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How do you generally like the endings of series?
It couldn't have ended in any better way! - votes: 844 (12.7%)
It was good, but could've been better...But I don't think I could write a better ending - votes: 3563 (53.6%)
Man, I could write a better ending than that author! - votes: 1167 (17.6%)
I hate all endings! Let the series continue forever! - votes: 1069 (16.1%)
There were 6643 total votes.
The poll ended: May 11th 2008

Yes, I knew all the problems with that poll, but oh well...I guess most people are generally satisfied with the endings, but don't have the writing talent or creativity to make it better.
Posted by lambchopsil on 
May 11th 6:29am
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