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New Poll - Cell Phone Proximity
This week's poll is also from lollylopmr. How often are you near the ball and chain of your cell phone? Is it tethered to your mind? (Although technically how often you use your phone is a different question)

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How often do you clear your browser history and/or cookies?
After each session - votes: 158 (8.5%)
Daily - votes: 62 (3.3%)
Weekly - votes: 72 (3.9%)
Monthly - votes: 125 (6.7%)
Yearly - votes: 110 (5.9%)
Never - votes: 298 (16.1%)
Only when I have a problem with a specific site - votes: 1029 (55.5%)
There were 1854 total votes.
The poll ended: August 24th, 2024 8:46am PDT

Now I wonder how often people delete entries on your browser history to hide something...
Posted by lambchopsil on 
August 24th 8:53am
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» YuriM on August 24th, 2024, 9:08am

Being prohibited by school or work != don't have it nearby.


» lambchopsil on August 24th, 2024, 9:47am

I disagree with you. I know of a couple of schools that collect cell phones before class. I also have friends that work in occupations where phones are collected at the entrance of the workplace (imagine military/classified stuff). I remember one story of a friend that almost missed the birth of his son because he worked in such a facility and his wife was not able to easily contact him during work hours


» ceruleantear on August 24th, 2024, 11:08am

I'm not a big cell phone user. I vastly prefer my desktop computer. So, I take my cell phone with me to work in case I need to call for an emergency, but I leave the phone in my backpack. I use my phone the mostly at night when I listen to stories before I go to sleep.


» blackluna on August 24th, 2024, 12:55pm

I'm also not a big cell phone user and keep all of my computer use to actual computers (mainly my laptop). I do keep my phone with in earshot / easy reach, but I hardly use it. I deliberately use a "stupid phone" and don't use any apps or connect it to the internet. So, for mp3s, I have ye auld ipod nano (gen. 4 — no need to replace something which still works); for video games, a computer or console; for reading, either my laptop or dead tree.


» mallika23 on August 24th, 2024, 1:07pm

I'm a bit surprised there are around 3% voters who don't own a cellphone.. I mean, in this day and age? 😅

For me, I always bring my phone around, even at the office. Work group chats are on my phones afterall. And sometimes it offers more flexibility than laptop.

There are times when I was so busy that Ican't even do anything with my phone except checking the time though. This happened just last Friday.


» thehamzatsuit on August 25th, 2024, 6:09pm

I wish I could still say I don't own a cellphone. The pandemic really ruined everything.


» ç‹‚æ°— on August 24th, 2024, 1:48pm

I hate cell phones. Usually I just forget mine in my desk drawer. The model I'm using is as old as this account, 15 years old. I just replaced the old battery with a new high capacity one, lasts about 8 weeks with one charging on my usage.

I still use landline more than a cell phone. I used to mostly use a phone booth in a park near my house but there was a storm and a large tree fell over it. They never replaced it, which forced me to use a phone booth near a busy street a little way further which was very inconvenient because of the distance and the traffic noise.

Cell phones becoming ubiguitous changed human behaviour. This sort of potential connectiveness actually made people a lot more passive about going out and meeting people face to face. When you can contact anyone when ever you need to, the urge to do it sort of fades away. Landlines never had that effect. Nokia's motto used to be "connecting people". It might have just as well been "disconnecting people".


» Sugarshark on August 24th, 2024, 2:07pm

I almost never carry mine.
My boss gets mad that they text in the middle of a shift and I don't answer;
I'm the only employee (it seems) that follows the 'no cell phones' policy

I have had a gf for a few weeks, so my days of freedom are numbered


» MmMmMhhhhh on August 24th, 2024, 2:24pm

I'm proud to almost never use my phone.

It's pretty useful, but I'd rather not use it for everything, that's toxic.


» vigorousjammer on August 25th, 2024, 7:36am

I don't exactly leave it behind most of the time, but I'm the type of person to intentionally turn off notifications.

I don't need my phone telling me when to look at it. I'd much rather it be there when I need it for something instead of simply being a slave to it, getting easily distracted by a chime, which then often leads me to start doomscrolling on it.

No thank you. I'd rather be in control of my free time. My girlfriend gets upset that I don't respond to her texts right away, though. It can be a problem sometimes.


» Arjit on August 27th, 2024, 1:11pm

not a huge phone fans and computer used mostly for studies and playing during holidays


» hkanz on August 28th, 2024, 11:34am

I usually bring it now when out of the house, since I live in a smaller community with bears around, and so there are minor safety considerations. I like having it off most of the time though, I resent the expectation nowadays of always being accessible.


» Rouzmary on August 30th, 2024, 11:44pm

"Although technically how often you use your phone is a different question" <--- now that would be more correct.

Because I always have my phone with me, otherwise, what's the point of having it if you can't be reached if there's an emergency or someone needs to contact you?
Wasn't that the whole point of inventing cell phones? So you could be reached quickly? Especially for emergencies?

However, while I always have it with me (reasonably "always", it's in a locker or bag when doing sports etc nor do I take it with me to shower etc) I am not always using it.

Sooo this really needs a deeper poll:
Always have it, always use it? Nope.
Always have it, but use only when needed? Yup.
