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New Poll - Surgery
jacob66 suggested that we ask about surgeries. I recently had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. How about you guys?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How should scanlators handle chapters that are split into parts in the raw (i.e., 2a and then 2b?)
Release the translated chapter in parts also - votes: 793 (34.6%)
Release the translated chapter as a single chapter - votes: 1073 (46.8%)
No opinion - votes: 428 (18.7%)
There were 2294 total votes.
The poll ended: April 15th, 2023 12:38pm PDT

Scanlators, take note
Posted by lambchopsil on 
April 15th 12:45pm
Comments ( 23 )  
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Comments (limited to first 100 replies)

» zarlan on April 15th, 2023, 1:30pm

It's extremely unclear, as to what counts as major or minor. Where do you draw the line?
I haven't the faintest clue, as to whether what I've had, would be considered major, only minor, or is kinda in a grey zone, in terms of this poll.


» flowinmyboat on April 15th, 2023, 7:13pm

Quote from zarlan
It's extremely unclear, as to what counts as major or minor. Where do you draw the line?
I haven't the faintest clue, as to whether what I've had, would be considered major, only minor, or is kinda in a grey zone, in terms of this poll.

It seems somewhat straightforward from the examples where the line is. From the examples, it seems like a minor surgery could be defined as a surgery that can be done in an outpatient clinic; major surgery will almost always require a hospital admission and post-surgical monitoring. Do you have a specific example?


» zarlan on April 20th, 2023, 2:39pm

Quote from flowinmyboat
It seems somewhat straightforward from the examples where the line is.



» flowinmyboat on April 21st, 2023, 11:56am

I am a little confused on two things:

1) That is my interpretation and then I tried to give you why I feel it's straightforward to me based on the examples given. It's not meant to be an all-encompassing, rigorously scientific poll.
2) I asked a clarifying question to understand, but you aren't answering.

It's ok to feel and read it the way you want, but actually refusing to engage and insisting your POV is the only valid one is just confusing. I am not even sure what your "WTF" is supposed to mean - I am allowed to have a different opinion on the clarity of the poll. Overall, it's a frivolous weekly poll on a manga site - you're expecting it to have much more detail than it needs to have. What is minor surgery to one person is a life-threatening procedure to another but without disclosing a lot more medical detail, it's not possible to determine that. I'm sorry if it feels like the poll invalidates or trivializes any procedures you've had, but your response isn't productive.

I see that below you made a point on why dental procedures are treated separately - that's valid and it's likely because for some reason in the US, mouth and eyes are treated differently. It's a user suggested poll so it could be the suggester was US-based.


» zarlan on April 21st, 2023, 12:38pm

Quote from flowinmyboat
and then I tried to give you why I feel it's straightforward to me

No you did not.
There was not even the slightest hint, of that.
As for point 2: Given that neither the poll, nor you, gave even the faintest hint, of what the distinction is, in any way whatsoever, your request for an example, seems rather pointless and ridiculous.
it's likely because for some reason in the US, mouth and eyes are treated differently.

I've never heard of anywhere, where it isn't treated differently ...but I fail to see how/why that would be relevant, to the issue of dental surgery being considered less serious, than non-dental surgery, or even just getting a few stitches. (mind you, I cannot, for the life of me, understand how/why merely getting stitches, would even count as surgery)


» LazyReviewer on April 15th, 2023, 7:52pm

Officially, major surgery is when they have to operate in the head (brain and spine, not dental) or torso, since that's where all the stuff that keeps you alive is located. If they had to cut open your leg or remove it, while the surgery is a big deal, it's technically a minor surgery.

An appendix is major surgery, even though in countries with adequate health care it's a fast and relatively minor ordeal if it's removed before it bursts. If it bursts then it's a race to save your life.

Edit: I'm actually happy to see only a small percentage of people having major surgery, because that means most people aren't facing issues that need fixing on that level.


» zarlan on April 20th, 2023, 2:44pm

Quote from LazyReviewer
Officially, major surgery is when they have to operate in the head (brain and spine, not dental) or torso, since that's where all the stuff that keeps you alive is located. If they had to cut open your leg or remove it, while the surgery is a big deal, it's technically a minor surgery.

So I suppose mouth and nose aren't major either.
Torso seems rather bit wide/vague, though. I have a hard time believing that all torso surgery counts as major
...but I suppose that's why C-section counts as major, despite being (though kinda serious) fairly simple and straightforward.

Though why the poll would consider merely getting a few sutures to be more serious, than pulling out a wisdom tooth, is a mystery to me.


» Trimutius on April 15th, 2023, 9:11pm

Had couple of minor surgeries... One for screw in my broken elbow, and one to remove infection in my gums (not teeth but like they cut open the gums)


» amy_levi on April 16th, 2023, 11:54am

I've had both one major and one minor surgery. Major was not so pleasant (the aftereffects anyway), don't really want to repeat that. Minor one wasn't a problem. I also had LASIK surgery, don't know if that counts, too.


» F_J on April 16th, 2023, 5:56pm

I had eye surgery and teeth surgery


» residentgrigo on April 16th, 2023, 11:51pm

Minor surgery at, I think, 15. It's not a Except it was.


» Sugarshark on April 17th, 2023, 11:40am

had full anaesthetic/hospitalization dental surgery as a child
I was considering cosmetic surgery; but weightlifting exceeded my expectations
so I'll save that for later.


» Suxinn on April 18th, 2023, 4:00am

Not sure what this counts as, but when I was a kid, I once smashed my head against a glass coffee table, had to be rushed to the hospital, and ended up with 16 stitches on my forehead.

I've also had wisdom teeth removal semi-recently, and honestly? I think the wisdom teeth hurt more.


» Xunu on April 18th, 2023, 5:18am

I once had a lump on my left eyelid. It's small, but I still feel the ache imagining the scalpel digging into my eye while I was conscious.


» Rukia168 on April 18th, 2023, 1:11pm

I've had plenty of stuff done, the more recent ones include jaw surgery to correct my underbite (full anaesthesia) and maxillary sinus surgery that was performed on local anaesthesia (that failed, you can only imagine what that felt like...). And of course I've had plenty of more minor stuff, stiches, broken bones, dislocations etc.


» Karonhioktha on April 18th, 2023, 3:53pm

Major surgery. Brain surgery. While I hope to never experience that again, at least I now have excuses for mistakes I make by saying I am a no-brainer, have a screw loose, etc.


» residentgrigo on April 19th, 2023, 3:10am

I have a pro tip to get a week off work. I had my wisdom teeth removed in the military, at the very start of the week, so I could get the full week off with pay and no vacation days taken. They posed no danger whatsoever but I randomly found out about that policy and enjoy a week off on pain meds watching anime for 14 hours a day in 2010. The first day started with a Silent Möbius marathon and Heat Guy J thereafter. The procedure was even done by a military doc on base but doctors are basically free in Germany. I also got another half day off to get the stitches pulled the following week. Good times!

Look quietly into your company´s policy for wisdom teeth removal and schedule an appointment for Monday or Tuesday if things look good.


» docdesanta on April 20th, 2023, 12:44am

I got very very drunk at the pub. Whilst walking home, I tripped on a pothole on the sidewalk and suffered a large gash on my chin. Luckily, my Uni (which also ran a hospital as it was a med school mostly) was right there. The wound itself wasn't much of a concern besides some stitches but my colleagues who coincidentally did rounds at the ER at the time did have a laugh.


» VawX on April 20th, 2023, 5:38am

Kinda surprised that more than 70% of people here have had surgery before mmm...
I mean the age demography of this site is rather high so that is expected I guess mmm...

Maybe we should do another age demography poll again soon mmm...


» Karonhioktha on April 20th, 2023, 8:31pm

The larger number of people having undergone surgery doesn't mean it's full of old people here, haha. I've worked with a number of children and teens who underwent surgery/ies before they were 18. Think of all the young college kids who got drunk, fell, and needed stitches, like docdesanta, too.


» zarlan on April 21st, 2023, 6:30am

I was maybe 4-5, I think, when I had my first surgery. No mere stitches. I had to have general anaesthesia.


» Sugarshark on April 21st, 2023, 12:49pm

there's probably a greater prevalence of manga readers amongst people who've had chronic health issues both for the lengthy convalescence times as well the obvious escapism we all enjoy in curated fiction.

most people might think a c-section is a major surgery; when it's generally done in under an hour with regional anesthesia I guess it depends who you're asking. I think people would say it was major to them.

no one is a healthcare expert; reading a lot of Black Jack you might think your absorbed twin's nervous system is viable outside of your body if only you built them an exoskeleton, then the rest of the organs and development would rapidly form. no, it's just a tumor

for someone who's had perfect health my entire life, I still remember waking up in the hospital 40yrs ago(post dental surgery) alone, with almost all the lights off and blood on my pillow not remembering what happened. It's traumatic to be apart from your parents and your siblings for the first time and be in a place of absolute silence, I had never felt so small before; I had no control over what was going on.

I'm glad modern day hospitals have greatly increased the access parents have to their children in these times, and that fewer young people have to feel the isolation experienced.


» zarlan on April 21st, 2023, 3:57pm

Quote from Sugarshark
I think people would say it was major to them.

No the overwhelming majority of people would not say that it was major to them!
I think you'll agree, that it's rather unlikely for the average man, to claim that their c-section was a major surgery.
Or, indeed, any women who have never gone through one, which is to say the majority of them.

Not only do the great majority of women who have given birth, not do so through c-section, but not all women have given birth. Not all women will ever do so.
So a minority, of a part, of half of people, have gone through it.
About one in ten, perhaps, who could possibly comment on their c-section?

So to most people, it's something we've only heard of
...and as far as I understand, it involves one or two clear and straight cuts, getting the baby out (a bit trickier than normal, as you need to extract it from a different hole, than nature intended), and lastly sewing things up again.
If that is overly simplified, and omits many further complications...
As I said, it's something I've only ever heard about.
