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New Poll - Skill and Passion
This week's poll was suggested by 8-3 and inspired by We Never Learn: BOKUBEN. Would you choose between the thing you're good at or the thing you like?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How often are you voluntarily away from your cell phone (i.e., not including times you lost it)?
I always have it - votes: 785 (32.9%)
Only when prohibited by school or work rules - votes: 394 (16.5%)
I sometimes choose to leave it behind - votes: 863 (36.2%)
I usually don't have it - votes: 164 (6.9%)
I almost never have it around - votes: 98 (4.1%)
I don't own a cell phone - votes: 82 (3.4%)
There were 2386 total votes.
The poll ended: August 31st, 2024 10:28pm PDT
I guess there's hope for some of us to not be glued to our phones
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How often are you voluntarily away from your cell phone (i.e., not including times you lost it)?
I always have it - votes: 785 (32.9%)
Only when prohibited by school or work rules - votes: 394 (16.5%)
I sometimes choose to leave it behind - votes: 863 (36.2%)
I usually don't have it - votes: 164 (6.9%)
I almost never have it around - votes: 98 (4.1%)
I don't own a cell phone - votes: 82 (3.4%)
There were 2386 total votes.
The poll ended: August 31st, 2024 10:28pm PDT
I guess there's hope for some of us to not be glued to our phones
Posted by lambchopsil on
August 31st 10:33pm
Comments (limited to first 100 replies)
» calstine on September 1st, 2024, 12:03am
The one I'm very good at but don't enjoy.
Hell, in fact, that's what I'm doing as my career right now.
Hell, in fact, that's what I'm doing as my career right now.
» flesh_labyrinths on September 1st, 2024, 12:14am
This hits close. Always wanted to draw comics as child but have zero talent for drawing, being deep on the aphantasia spectrum. It was pretty crushing realization, looking at classmate who could draw amazing illustrations from their head without any training, and instinctively understanding that they had the talent and i did not. So i dropped it. Never quite found what my own thing was, apart from having easier time writing stuff in school, but that never seemed like a good substitute. So The one I'm very good at but don't enjoy was my pick.
» VawX on September 1st, 2024, 12:29am
The one I'm very good at but don't enjoy mmm...
Use that to collect money and spend it on something I like mmm...
Use that to collect money and spend it on something I like mmm...
» Ceiye on September 1st, 2024, 1:09am
I'd agree but the question does say that you only have time to do one. If I have no time to do what I actually like, then what's the point. That's just surviving, not living. But if it were even a 75/25 split, then that's tolerable enough for me to do what I gotta do to fund my interests
» VawX on September 1st, 2024, 7:02pm
I like reading manga, eating tasty food, and playing video games mmm...
I don't have any "talent" and definitely don't have the time to pursue those, but I can still do that in my spare time from the money I made from working mmm...
I don't have any "talent" and definitely don't have the time to pursue those, but I can still do that in my spare time from the money I made from working mmm...
» Trimutius on September 1st, 2024, 3:02am
I suppose i shouldn't be kidding myself, i mostly pursue things i am good at, even if I don't enjoy them... Not being good at something kills enjoyment for me real fast, if it takes too long to get good at it... Like literally I have master degree in physics, even though i don't enjoy doing physics research, I am just good at physics so I pursued it ..
(Luckily for me i now work as software developer which i am both good at and enjoy)
(Luckily for me i now work as software developer which i am both good at and enjoy)
» hkanz on September 1st, 2024, 9:53am
People interested in this dilemma would probably enjoy Hunger by Knut Hamsen.
I think ultimately being terrible at your job -> unemployment -> homelessness. So I don't know how many people are realistically choosing to pursue a career that they're very bad at, if they only have time to do one job.
I think ultimately being terrible at your job -> unemployment -> homelessness. So I don't know how many people are realistically choosing to pursue a career that they're very bad at, if they only have time to do one job.
» YuriM on September 1st, 2024, 11:28am
Being talented in something usually means being passionate about it.
Otherwise one'll get burnout much sooner than skills.
Otherwise one'll get burnout much sooner than skills.
» mallika23 on September 2nd, 2024, 10:09am
Normally I'd choose the one I'm good at but I don't enjoy, but if in the end I can only pursue one, I'd better choose the one I'm bad at but enjoy.. At least I can do what I love. I can gather money from doing the one I'm good at but I don't enjoy, but if the money cannot make me do what I like, what's the point?
I'm currently not doing the job I aspire to be, but at leasr I can still do what I enjoy: read manga, watch anime, etc. If this joy is taken from me, it's definitely gonna be frustrating.
I'm currently not doing the job I aspire to be, but at leasr I can still do what I enjoy: read manga, watch anime, etc. If this joy is taken from me, it's definitely gonna be frustrating.
» amy_levi on September 2nd, 2024, 10:30am
I wish there was at least *something* I was very good at, even if I didn't enjoy it.🤣
Honestly speaking, it would depend on how much money I could make with either of the skills. If the one I'm talented at but dislike makes a lot more money, I'd pursue that one. If the one I love was much better paid/more sought after, I'd try getting better at it. The pay would have to be a LOT higher though, for me to pursue either of them.
Honestly speaking, it would depend on how much money I could make with either of the skills. If the one I'm talented at but dislike makes a lot more money, I'd pursue that one. If the one I love was much better paid/more sought after, I'd try getting better at it. The pay would have to be a LOT higher though, for me to pursue either of them.
» shea07 on September 2nd, 2024, 9:37pm
I choose the thing I’m bad at. Working to become good at something I’m poor at is thrilling. In fact, the profession I left a while back was one I was initially a complete disaster at, but in the end was well-known as a reliable and talented worker in the field. (I left because it became something I wasn’t interested in anymore.)
» HikaruYami on September 6th, 2024, 12:43pm
I mean, it doesn't say I'll never be good at the latter thing if I try, so obviously it'd be a waste of my life to focus on something I hate? So I picked The one I'm very bad at but enjoy. But if the question were changed so that I somehow knew I could NEVER become good at it, my answer would be more difficult, because I need to make a living somehow.
But normally people become passionate about at least one thing they're already good at (unless they're bad at everything) lol, so the question didn't make a ton of sense to me. I don't actually have any experience being bad at something I love, but I have experience being good at something I hate (statistics are boring as shit, I like most math but "advanced probably & statistics" classes are always the most boring, trivial shit in the universe, even at MIT our statistics classes were dogshit), so that's why I know I wouldn't pursue it.
But normally people become passionate about at least one thing they're already good at (unless they're bad at everything) lol, so the question didn't make a ton of sense to me. I don't actually have any experience being bad at something I love, but I have experience being good at something I hate (statistics are boring as shit, I like most math but "advanced probably & statistics" classes are always the most boring, trivial shit in the universe, even at MIT our statistics classes were dogshit), so that's why I know I wouldn't pursue it.
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