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Full Metal Panic: Continuing on My Own
by Master_M2K on July 25th, 2008, 10:06am

Rating - 9.4 / 10.0

User rating of this review - N/A out of 5
Story/Plot - 5 out of 5
Characters - 5 out of 5
Drawing Style - 3.5 out of 5
Enjoyment - 5 out of 5
Overall - 5 out of 5

Full Metal Panic! Continuing on My Own is a Sci-fi, Action, Romance, Drama light novel about the biggest threat to Mithril and to Sousuke & Kaname’s relationship.

Plot / Story
The story takes place sometime after the Pacific Christmas incident, when things are slowly returning back to normal for the students of Jindai High; yet the incident has left a big impression on Amalgam. Now Amalgam has become serious and takes decisive action on both Mithril and Kaname, which could bring and end to Mithril and jeopardise the relationship that Sousuke & Kaname took so long to forge. Following the initial chapter, the reader can expect a lot to happen, as an all out attack by Amalgam ensues. Expect bombings, high speed car chases, hostage situations, epic AS battles and shocking developments.

With these shocking developments, a lot of the characters change and development with the moment. Sousuke expresses the feelings he has kept bottled up, Kaname realizes her fate and Tessa is no longer the meek Captain, as they all adjust accordingly to the situation. This time round we also get characters that have played minor roles so far, making such a huge impact on the story, such as: Leonard, Hayashimizu and Kyouko.

Drawing Style
This being a light novel, there isn’t much to say about the artwork. Though this time round the pictures isn’t as detailed as usual, but they’re still useful in portraying some important situations.

Overall / Enjoyment
Overall Continuing on My Own is probably on of the best instalments, which completely abandons the light-hearted comedy and solely focuses on the serious drama and intense action. If this novel were to be animated by KyoAni then it would certainly be an instant hit. This novel has personally left the biggest impact on me, as it ended with such a depressing cliff-hanger.

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