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Sakende Yaruze!   
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I Will Shout!
Shout Out Loud!

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5 Vols (1996 - Complete)
3 Bunkoban (2005 - Complete)
3 e-Books (2016 - Complete)

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Average: 8.4 / 10.0 (271 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.19 / 10.0

Last Updated
October 7th 2022, 9:11pm



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Original Publisher
Beaglee (2016)
Futabasha (2005)
Kadokawa (1996)

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Asuka Ciel (Kadokawa Shoten)

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Blu (Defunct / 5 Vols - Complete)

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Very Sweet  
by FeyPhantom
May 4th, 2015, 4:51pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I'm such a fan of 90s BL style so I instantly enjoyed the artwork in this one. The setting of involving voice actors also touches on work I like so the set up was perfect for my enjoyment. The last thing that came together and made me really love this story were the characters. They were really down-to-earth. Each of them had flaws but they weren't over the top. They acted like normal people.

I think that's one of the reasons I even liked the grandmother though she was meant to be a little antagonistic. Her motives were very clear. She had lost her daughter only a year before and all she had left was her grandson who, quite honestly, was at his rebellious age (how many times did he run away from home - including Shino's? XD ). She may have been rude to Shino at times, but he was the boy who had thought it was a good idea to knock-up her 18 year old daughter so surely her behaviour towards him wasn't all that surprising? Plus, she may have been pushy
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with the marriage interview
but in some ways it was for Shino's benefit, even if she was also going to gain from it.

I may have stuck on describing why the grandmother was such a solid character here, but I really felt like all the characters were just as solid. The mangaka didn't just come out and scream what all of their motivations for their actions were, but they were discernible if you think about their characters a little.

All in all, I really enjoyed this story and am happy I read it smile

Edit: I just read lifeincircuit's comments and I'll say what I understood from it:
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First off, Nakaya probably moved back to be with his grandmother because he didn't want to be in Shino's way. I don't think Nakaya's relationship with his grandmother was as bad as it first appeared to be. He was just acting like the teenage boy he was while she was obviously a stickler for propriety. He probably felt he didn't have much freedom when living under her roof at the beginning (don't forget he was a boy around the same age Shino was when he got her daughter pregnant), but over the course of the story he matured and probably would've been able to handle her strictness better later on. On her side, she also grew to be more open, even coming to understand that Shino voicing a boy having sex with another boy was professionalism on his part - not everyone would be able to accept that.

As for staying out of Shino's way - he probably wanted to let Shino move in with Tenryuu. It would've been weird though for them to move in together and have Nakaya still there. Nakaya had only met his father for the first time less than a year before. To ask him to move in with another grown man would've been too much. Plus, there was lots of emphasis on Nakaya already being fairly mature and almost an adult. He wanted to develop a relationship with his father, but he didn't need to continue living with him. Their relationship was never going to be a normal father-son relationship, just as depicted by Nakaya asking Shino for them to live just as two people under the same roof. Nakaya wasn't relying on Shino as a father figure but almost more as a respected, adult friend.

Besides, what 17 year old would want to come home to find his father in bed with another man? Or lie in bed awake at night every time his father doesn't come home because it may mean he's at the other guy's place instead? xD;; Moving out could also be seen as protecting himself from having to deal with those kinds of thoughts.

As for the other thing about why Nakaya disapproved so much with Shino being with another man, I think there are a few things to consider. Firstly, over the course of the story Nakaya becomes more open with homosexual relationships, from being disgusted hearing the cds for the first time to ending up in a homosexual relationship himself. I think the main question here is why was he still so strict on Tenryuu even after he himself had been with Fuse? Firstly, I think Nakaya was already acting more leniently towards Tenryuu. He didn't just out right forbid the relationship anymore but instead spoke openly with Tenryuu about it. Secondly, I think the reason he gave the condition of if either fell in love with a woman Tenryuu would break it off is because that's the kind of culture they lived in. It wasn't openly accepted to be a man in a relationship with another man. There are many difficulties in a life where people would scorn Shino and Tenryuu for being in love with each other. Obviously their coworkers were great people to be around since they either joked about or ignored it, but that wouldn't be the majority of people. It wouldn't be surprising if the grandmother tried to keep Nakaya away from Shino again if she found out he was sleeping with another man.

Shino also depicted the kind of culture he was living in with his slowness to accept his own feelings. The thought that there isn't anything beyond the initial relationship with someone of the same sex as opposed to there being a course to follow in a heterosexual relationship is something I've seen touched upon in many BL stories. In a hetero relationship, the two can marry, then look to the future with having kids. Those things are often juxtaposed as 'non existent' in a homo relationship (not my own thoughts on the matter but just what I've seen from reading a lot of BL). 'There is no future in that kind of relationship' - that's the same kind of sentiment I feel is in Nakaya's condition that should either of them fall in love with a woman, Tenryuu will end it. They can be happy together for now, but they won't hold each other back should they find a more socially acceptable happiness, perhaps?

Anyways, the last thing to touch on is the fact that Nakaya himself had been in a homosexual relationship. Even though he'd had that kind of relationship and didn't want to end it, he still wasn't completely open with Tenryuu being with Shino. And I feel that that's again related to happiness and social acceptability. In Nakaya's life, he's still young and figuring out the world. He's not thinking years in the future, even if he says he will (when his girlfriend thought she was pregnant). Shino however, is at the point in his life where he'd want stability in a relationship. He'd be in the relationship for the long haul and having a relationship with another grown man wouldn't be considered experimenting. He was slower to accept the relationship, but that was because once he was in it, he knew he'd be serious about it and wouldn't be able to leave it quickly either. Nakaya probably wanted to protect Shino from the relationship and the position it would put him in and so he wasn't able to accept it wholeheartedly. However, in the end, Nakaya did say he would always be there for Shino so that no matter what happened in the future, Shino would always have him to come back to and therefore Shino would never be alone. Consider it like this: there's something you'd do because you know you can handle it, but if you saw your loved one doing the same thing, you would be nervous and scared for them and would try to stop them.

Anyways, I think that should be it for this extra to my comment xD

... Last updated on May 4th, 2015, 6:05pm
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good, but...  
by varianthart
April 17th, 2011, 10:36pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Hrrmm, I will say that I do agree with a lot of the good which others have already mentioned. That said, I thought the story was a bit odd in a lot of places. I didn't always understand their motivations and I'm sure some of that was a mix of translation and culture, but some things were a bit odd.
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I never quite understood why Nakaya felt the need to move back into a home with a woman who was rather awful just because Shino got together with someone, nor why he disapproved so passionately about Shino being with a man when he himself had been in love with another man. I know it was because he wanted Shino to be happy, but I don't really think it works that way on either count and that should have been obvious.

Overall it was a good read, and a nice break from the yaoi monotony, but it was a bit disjointed in parts and dragged on in others(like the parts where they went on and on about the specifics of Shino's voice acting, down to their lines, when it didn't seem particularly vital to the story in any way). I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say it was pure genius.
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by gwisoon
July 6th, 2009, 1:50am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This series is an absolute gem smile I love how the relationships between the characters slowly build up- the mangaka certainly doesn't shortchange on their emotional development, unlike most yaoi that just skips to the sex. The father-son love was believable and sweet too. Don't hesitate to pick up this series!
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by huggybear1218
September 17th, 2008, 3:22am
Rating: N/A
it really surprised me with how good it turned out to be! and it was realistic too! i was a little confused on nakaya's feelings toward his dad though. was it more than a son to father love or did he just want him all to himself? I also loved the building relationship between shino and tenryuu! 5 stars! any yaoi fan would love this.
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by RayeSesshyFan
February 11th, 2008, 4:09am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
One of the best yaoi manga you will find. It may seem slow but it's a reasonable slow. The characters feel like they're real as well and the artwork is beautiful, even if it is old. I feel like reading the whole thing again and again. A definite must read for yaoi fans.
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Gateway yaoi manga for sure  
by lozzenator
February 1st, 2008, 2:23am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
I agree that this series has great emotional depth and breadth. It's a really heartfelt story. I also agree with one of the comments above that Shino's feelings where somewhat constipated and dragged quite a bit.....
BUT I thought above all, this series was hilarious...great comedic moments... I'll never forget when Shino chokes on Mizusawa's name a few times ("Mizu.....!") then Mizusawa hands him a glass of water (water in japanese: mizu).
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should have known  
by blueseeker
January 5th, 2008, 2:12am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
What a great story this was, i cannot believe how great the story was told. It even made me sad that it was only 5 volumes, i guess like everyone i wish for a sequel of some sort.
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avatar good.  
by saffikeagan
January 1st, 2008, 5:43am
Rating: N/A
Have I mentioned recently how much I love Takaguchi-sensei? I love her art and her plots. Shout out Loud is probably in the running for my favorite manga. It's five volumes and I still want more. I want another series focusing on Nakaya and Fuse. I want to see Shino progress in his relationship (sorry, trying to avoid spoilers). Speaking of Fuse--he is just gorgeous. As I've stated in some of my other reviews of Takaguchi's work, if you are looking for a mature story that's got it all (drama, comedy, a bit of bishieness, romance--and yes--even some angst) this is the end of your search. Okay, I think I have gushed enough.

... Last updated on January 1st, 2008, 5:45am
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by wiskiz
November 21st, 2007, 1:03am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Despite the rather old looking artwork, this story's an evergreen classic! Wonderful portrayal of the characters with good individual character development and a strong plot. This is truly an engaging page turner.. i couldn't stop until i've finished it... Despite the slow "yaoi" content, but when it comes it is really beautiful... and... "well deserved".
This is a good for anyone starting out with yaoi... or anyone who had an overdose of explicit yaoi...
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a winner  
by pleochroic
July 28th, 2007, 9:37pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
it's maybe a bit on the slow side, but not by much. and it's definitely one to read for the story, not for the sex, though when there's sex finally, it's very nice. good characterization, for the most part (though i didn't like how the girlfriend was side-lined). believable struggles with emotions from both father and son. and fun little inside jokes about seiyuu and BL drama. i could handle reading more in this world; there are stories left to tell.
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