An okay story, but in the tenshi nanka ja nai, gokinjo monogatari and paradise kiss combo, this was the least enjoyable.
The story
Seems like a love triangle at first, but later it's a couple romance manga with a lot of side characters. Two neighbors Mikako and Tsutomu are slowly falling for each others, but I think had such feelings even before the manga. Both of them. The first volumes when it centers around theirs getting together is better than the latter volumes, where a lot of time is given to fashion, what do you want to do when you grow up and emotional drama.
The art is good, but Jesus, why did she gave them such outfits, no one in reality will dress like that. It was really bothersome. I like art in tenshi… more.
Mikako cries a lot too. Not so much as Midori, but it is more annoying. She was really selfish to the point of hating girls that got close to Tsutomu even when she didn’t have a right to. She should have told him sooner that she likes him if it bothered her so much. Tsutomu was much more mature, but the same goes for him. Maybe the mangaka shouldn’t make them in love with each other already but make it through the story. The gag about Tsutomu looking like Ken was present only in the first volume with occasional appearances later, but no girls were after him after body-ko. Strange, considering it was made a huge point of the story at first.
The most hated character - P-chan. That long haired guy is my favorite. He got most character development too. And Ayumi is OK. But no character really got to me, too bad.
Yes, it's still a good shoujo, I'm just a very critical person. The jokes breaking the forth wall were quite bad and a lot of them. One on the side would be enough but there were so much of them, sometimes even on a whole page. I can't help comparing it to the other two mangas so I think I'm being too hateful, but it was a good read.