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Can't Lose You   
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Can't Lose You by Master_M2K


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April 11th 2016, 4:46am



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by blackstar1314
September 14th, 2008, 2:06pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
i read this because it was one of wanns work and loved it. i love yoois and gaons characters. i was really touched by this manhwa and would recommend this to everyone who loved 100% perfect girl. the art, plot, characters were just amazing.
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by SoaRin
August 9th, 2012, 5:41am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
It was totally not my cup of tea. Then again, I didn't really like 100% Perfect Girl either, so I guess I am to blame for choosing this series as well.

The plot. It was just too cheesy and predictable. Just another modern-day fairytale. If it were a movie or TV seres, it would be a Mexican soap opera. You could guess what would happen 2-4 volumes ahead of what you were reading. And...
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prophecies? Really? I couldn't have thought of a more unoriginal way to twist the plot even if I wanted to. The same goes for all the shooting, bombing, kidnapping, etc.

The characters. That was what really pissed me off. They lacked both depht and consistency.
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At first I liked her - she seemed strong-willed, independent and cheerful. Just likeable. The scene at the orphanage totally brought out her best traits and it looked promising. Then, somewhere along the way, she becomes this weak crybaby who only depends on others and waits for her prince charming to save her. She barely had any impact on the plot. Hooray for the heroine!

The main guy. He was the most superficial and inconsistent of them all. He seemed more like an idea than a real person. If he was really suffering and being torn apart on the inside, then why wasn't it shown in the manhwa? There was no middle part between his contradictions. Let's take it like this: if you're writing an essay, you need a proposition and an argument but between them has to be some sort of reasoning, intellectualization (pardon me if my wording is off, I'm not a native speaker). This is what his character lacked.
Lida, Ilya, Nao (the Bunny boy).
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They were the most likeable to me in the whole story. I must say, when Lida (supposedly, the antagonist) told Ilya to protect Yooi, I started to expect a lot from this series since such a thing wasn't usual for the typical shoujo. I loved the relationships between these characters and the way it unfolded. I loved Ilya's devotion to Lida and symphaties for Yooi. I've also got to say, it didn't take me long to figure that Ilya would die later and Lida would only realize her love and start to regret after that. Still, it didn't bug me too much. I think that Lida, as a character, completely outweighs Yooi since she is multi-layered. If this story had been told from her perspective, it would have been so much better. And Nao was the sweetheart of the story. He was a cute relief from all that pointless drama. I think that the story between them was the only thing in this manhwa that had real meaning and not the corny love-conquers-all kind of message.

And now - the final blow of criticism. It seemed that this manhwa only followed some formula and feelings, as a way to develop a character, were completely ignored. Where were the moments of reflection, determination, regret, even plain suffering? Even romance was petty!
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If the love between two characters was supposed to be so deep that it wouldn't fade even in a year after a bitter break-up, then it should have had more ground than simple attraction and an accidental kiss. What about compassion, uncertainty and trying to understand each other? What about blaming the other person and later forgiving them and finding peace (I'm talking about Yooi, her dad, mother, grandfather and probably everything else in this story)? And the most ridiculous: a friend and a person who you love die (both bodygourds),you shed a few tears and soon after it's totally okay? Where's the self-blaming and gradual healing? Not in this manhwa, apparently.

I give this a 4 because art, as soon as you get used to it, is fine and I managed to finish it, which means it was still readable. And at least the pace was okay too. Still, not recommended.

Wow, I wrote a lot.

... Last updated on August 9th, 2012, 10:11am
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by countingwounds
July 27th, 2009, 10:47pm
Rating: N/A
i just.. really wasn't expecting at all how much this moved me. seriously. i started it, and before i knew it i was going through it and couldn't stop until it was done! i was totally immersed in it. maybe i like mangas with twisted characters.. ? heh.

but no, how to say it.. ? i loved how deep it was, with the theme of fate running throughout the plot. can one change fate? can one choose what happens to them, or will it happen no matter what? like oedipus.. (that was brilliant too, i loved that story in mythology~)

and for me, i loved yooi. i didn't find her bland at all. maybe the storyline was completely unrealistic, but i didn't mind, in fact i never once noticed. i didn't notice the cliches either.. i mean, i couldn't spot any blatantly idiotic ones that ruined the whole story. which was unique.

and yes, there is a lot of tragedy.. but i like it. it makes you feel.
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i was really crying where lida was like, "i did say that i'd choose where you'd die" when ilya was hooked up to the machines, even if it hurt her so much, because she didn't want to see him just living on machines

my only complaint would be.. gaon. -gasp- i know. he was a little.. not standing out to me. which was dissapointing, since he was the main male lead. i liked him, and he interested me a lot, don't get me wrong. but i found myself thinking of ilya and nao more. especiallyyyyy ilya. <33 -shrug-

i wished i would have picked this up earlier.. i don't know why i didn't :]

... Last updated on July 27th, 2009, 10:50pm
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A Have-to-read Manhwa!  
by Minori
May 28th, 2007, 1:20am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I've never seen such an emotion about love and hatred like this before. "Can't lose you" shows me what devils are like when they're in love. From the bottom of the cruelest heart, there's always a room for "that-special-someone" without knowing it. Falling in love, being hurt, feeling hate... and then stand up, fighting for happiness is this awesome manhwa's meaning. Hope that everyone will like it, just like me !
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Intense, just like 100% Perfect Girl.  
by Yo!!
July 24th, 2012, 12:38am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Whao, another gut wrenching work of Wann. Again, filled with melodrama and character intensity.
It's about two twins. One of the twins is destined to overthrow her grandfather's empire.
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When the grandfather finds out about this, he tries to kill the child of destiny, but the mother somehow saves the child.

As far as the romance goes, it was good. Well, the milder twin and his partner's relationship was like any other shoujo manga. Only unsettling part was that
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He slapped her and she took it in good grace -.- I would have ripped his GUTS OUT! HOW DARE HE!!!!!!

Coming to her twin, I LOVED her relationship with her body guard. Though it was dramatic, it was.... beautiful. I didn't quiet understand her character at first, but she grows on you as the story progresses.

The it was sad... I wonder why they haven't categorized this series as tragedy. Don't worry, it's not a sad ending, just...I felt bad :'(

Art - 9/10
Story- 8/10
Characters - 7/10 (Didn't really like the milder twin -.-)

Good read. Recommended.
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Started out good, but...  
by mittens
July 12th, 2011, 7:53pm
Rating: N/A
I began to read this manhwa because I saw it on a recommendation thread for something "realistic" -- let me say now that the series isn't life-like in the least. The characters, though with interesting and believable personalities at first, shape up to be angsty, unrealistic, and 1-dimensional. The plot itself also started out alright but, just as the characters, became dramatic in a way that was almost laughable in how unrealistic it was.

I think the author had a good idea and a good theme so to speak, but she took a wrong turn when she tried to make it dramatic in the way that she did.
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Kind of Alright  
by Marei_23
August 5th, 2007, 5:08pm
Rating: N/A
The plot was fast paced and at times cute. However, it would have made a much better story had the series been longer in volumes. Due to it only being a six volume series the romance, action and character development was all rushed. I sort of felt cheated after reading this manhwa. It's still a good series to read though on rainy day smile
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Seriously Depressing :/  
by ChocoKun
June 12th, 2011, 11:30am
Rating: N/A
At 1st the story was good, the female lead was strong, funny etc. Then all of the disappeared and everything is about "oh I need you or I can't live" or "Please don't go" etc. It seriously got on my nerves and the female lead is crying and whining a lot too, no more funny moments.

Still recommended though, a very good story but I just don't like the comedy to angst transition sad
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by MaZzAx
May 30th, 2011, 3:19pm
Rating: 6.5  / 10.0
I feel like this could have been so much better than it was. While reading it I was far too anxious to get to the end as I would have liked which to me suggests the author made the story a little too angsty and not reader-friendly enough.
I also found myself a little confused at times as to who was who and I got angry at some of the stupid decisions the characters made.
Like a lot of manga there were some truly evil characters and at times this felt unrealistic.
Overall it was a good read at first but then got too annoying and I skipped a lot. Not sure I would recommend it but it isn't bad enough for me to slate.
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One of the worst  
by smashinginred
July 30th, 2008, 12:43am
Rating: N/A
This was definitely not the story for me, but I encourage everyone to try it (since it's got such a high approval rate). My problem mostly came from the infantile and completely unrealistic depiction of love--um...falling in love just from a kiss? With a person you believe you hate? And then, in a few weeks, you're ready to give up all your dreams and ambitions and even die for that person? If this is what the manhwaga thinks love is really like, I think she's perhaps watched too many bad romance films.

The characters were all very tedious and shoujo archetypes. You have Yooi, the poor, good, sweet girl who's never done anything wrong (seriously!) and all guys fall for her. Then there's Lida, the rich bitch princess. And Gaon, the rich son who's on the path to political success until he meets Yooi, falls madly in love after one kiss and decides that it's impossible to be both a good person and a political figure... You might think I'm joking, but seriously, the manhwaga pretty much laid out the situation as such: either not be with Yooi and stay an ambitious, cold-hearted politician who's headed for the presidency or be with Yooi and become a kind person. God! Who the hell could think up such a cheesy plot!

Well, if you hate women who have no real personality (Yooi is soo bland), hate poorly written political machinations, hate infantile feelings of love and hatehatehate the concept of love as something that can happen in an instant and from then on last forever, you'll hate this story.
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