I'm a tad biased. I like Lee So Young's manhwa. I enjoyed Model and Arcana, so naturally, I was inclined to try this one out too.
I disagree with naikan. Cheap knockoff? What?
Kaori Yuki works in the same genre of Lee So Young, but their stories are different. That doesn't mean, however, that one is better than the other. Lee So Young has her own way of story-telling that I feel is unique and very good in its own way.
The problem I think here is that the reader must be somewhat familiar with Lee's work. If you've read Model, you're far more likely to enjoy this piece. It has the same gothic, supernatural air to it. More than anything, however, this manhwa really reminds me of the Pet Shop of Horrors. There's some mysterious item that's cursed in every episode, just as there is some mysterious creature in every episode of Pet Shop.
Yes, this story is confusing and probably disjointed, but it takes a certain kind of reader to like this. However, I would not call this a knockoff of any one's work, as this piece is legit in its own way; you just need to give this manhwa the time of day.