A one-shot taking place after the destruction of the world by the Devil Moon. It's about a half-mage who works as the executioner of mages and a girl-mage who suddenly appears before him.
Oneshot (Complete)

There are plenty great manga series that started from a one shot. Why didn't this manga serialized? It was really good! It could be an adventure-sci fi manga. I would love to read this if it was serialized. The art, the plot, the characters are great.. The ending that left hanging reminds me of Double Arts by Komi Naoshi.
This has a great sci-fi/fantasy set-up with [spoilers]the post-apocalyptic world created by the weapons that the female lead made.[/spoilers] The worldbuilding is intriguing and there are endless places to explore and things to reveal, but unfortunately it seems like it never will happen.
This is one of those one-shots that really, really should have been given a chance! I wonder if it will get picked up sometime? I really liked both main characters. The story was strong and there was a ton of potential for a nice long series as they
traveled in search of enough remnants of civilization to return her to the, obviously still working, satellite. I presume it would have ended with her fixing the problem and the two of them returning to her time, probably all lovey dovey...
I literally stared at the last page for a few minutes because this oneshot left me speechless. I have never read a oneshot that's kept my attention for so long. The story was interesting and if this was serialized, I feel like it would be a hit. It has the same scifi vibe as Please Save My Earth, and both characters are a lot different from normal leads.
The pacing did have problems and there were some parts I didn't understand, but I enjoyed this a lot. I would read these 60 pages again.