I was interested by the description of the series and decided to give the series a try, thinking it would be a quick interesting read. I was very disappointed by it, it was all right when I stared reading but slowly got worse and worse, I had to force myself to finish manga, and I ended up not liking the manga at all.
Plot- Not very original and I felt the twists, while not expected, weren’t carried out well and more details to the back story should have been added.
Characters- I found most of the characters annoying and flat. No one seemed to have any reasons behind their actions. When the end came I found myself not caring at all what happened to the characters, they were so bland. Arisu was annoying! She didn’t care about anything and just went along with things halfheartedly, in the end I doubted whether she truly loved Ish or not, it didn’t really seem like it. Shiro, Ish’s rival, I just didn’t understand. He loved Arisu and then at the end he just… let her go, just like that, his actions didn’t make sense. Ish was a bit better than the other characters but he didn’t stand out to me and some of his reactions… I don’t know they seemed out of place with the situations that were happening. All in all the cast wasn’t a very interesting bunch of characters.
Art- Lacking, that’s what I’d call it. No it wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t good either, the art style used I didn’t like, it seemed half finished. The paneling wasn’t that great either, it was to blocky with a lot of white space at times as if to just fill up the page and the way it was laid out didn’t capture my attention. The transitions from scene to scene were choppy and confusing most of the time. And the time line of the story was also hard to follow.
Other- I got bored about half way through and got tired of trying to understand the plot, a lot of scenes seemed out of place and some of what was said didn’t really make sense with what had happened before, it was very confusing. Part of this confusion can be credited to the scanelators who didn’t distinguish between what was being said in English and what was being spoken in Japanese leaving it to the reader to try and decipher what was being said in which language. The confusion was also caused by the paneling and just the story telling. All in all I didn’t enjoy this manga; there were no redeeming points in it for me. Even Arisu and Ish’s relationship which was sort of sweet at first became annoying when Arisu didn’t seem to care one way or another who she was with and didn’t seem to have any special feelings for Ish at all. The story failed to keep me even slightly interested and I don’t recommend this manga.
2/10 -Disliked it