Okay I got fed up because this story wasn't translated(I see why now) . So I looked into myself and It's already had at least 50 chapters by now and ended the first season.
There's not much progress (actually barely any), from chapter two but there was progress near the end of the season from the female lead hopefully this goes somewhere.
Until then it's 3.0. If it weren't for the male lead, the beautiful though wonky art, the second female love interest that came near the end, the diversity added in, and Naruto references I'd probably give it a 1.0 because of the female lead, she sucks, the story went nowhere, there's a bunch of side characters as bland as a sheet of paper making the background characters seem more interesting and the side love story that came out of nowhere that I have no reason to care about at all because it was never built up. Created: 9/27/21 Edited:3/23/22
5.0 means decent for me, so below that you take a guess.
I'll give season two a chance but anything like the crap pulled in season one I'm out.
I'm in no rush to read it but I have hope in the male lead and the second female love interest keeping it enjoyable.