Tatsumi enters highschool with his childhood friend Amasawa Kokoro, nickname Ama-chin, who is a extremely feminine looking trouser-wearing boy that likes to mess with peoples expectations of his gender.
11 Volumes (Complete)
Kokoro Amasawa (nickname Amachin) is a character with a kawaii vibe, a raging crush and androgynous in a way that people often assume to be a female student, to which he responds proclaiming he’s not much to their surprise, hilarity ensues. In addition, there are situations where the character ends up in less clothing coverage than normal. However, the author leaves the varied “crotch reveal” moments cleverly ambiguous to the point the reader doesn’t actually know if the protagonist is legit a biological male as Amachin says to everyone or just a female with A cups playing pretend for quirky fun, shock value and self gratification. The manga makes you keep reading to see if the clarification finally will come and if Amachin’s crush will be requited, while you get to meet the rest of the cast. Personalitywise, Amachin is capable, bubbly and outgoing which results in a social magnet effect on other classmates, rather similar to the equally-ambiguous Najimi from Komi-san Can’t Communicate.
It’s not as terrible as other mangas i’ve seen of this genre and I hope the glasses boy and
the sharkteeth friend end up together. But yeah, it’s got bad spots unfortunately. Could’ve been better if there were a bit less boner jokes (it gets old after the 5th, but then again idon't think i’m the target demographic) and more creative isopod humour + if the ! pseudololi elder background character (gag) had been yeeted out of existence in the pre-publication stage, and the mom character didn’t behave towards ! Kamishimo the way she does. I seriously don’t know what’s up with genderbend-crossdressing genre authors seeming obsession with including ! pedo, assault and/or incest stuff regardless if blatant or borderline in their works, they should be gathered and put on a petri dish and studied because its not just unnecessary but seriously disturbing that pretty much every other work one may check has some of that either romanticized, treated as no big deal or played for laughs.
Overall, this is a manga for entertainment not for depth, so if you're curious don’t jump in expecting a lot of complexity and seriousness and you’ll be fine.
Ps: It seems the author is slowly amassing an army cause there’s multiple girlyboys there, not just the (self-proclaimed) protagonist.
Using the same jokes over and over again makes it stays over its welcome. Would have worked well and given more impact as a one shot but is poor once serialized. Maybe people that like the same style of repetitive humor like Garfield would enjoy this...😕 At least it's inoffensive.
Every chapter was exactly the same, everyone loves Ama-chin... blah blah blah
Stories were short and stereotypical. Not humorous either.
Also Tatsumi and Ama-chin were mutually in love but not romantic? It was a weird dynamic
I do hope that that we will catch up to the current chapter one day. Not to many decent crossdressing andro male stuff.