A young girl who leads a hard life finds refuge in her friendship with a tall black being from the local forest.
A short, textless oneshot with a grim take on Little Red Riding Hood.
Oneshot (Complete)

it gets even more so because they have left the dialogue up to the reader. well, as a wannabe writer..well, i think you got the point. its just so sad 🙁 by revealing just the pictures, its only 50% of the story.. so i guess this also plays with your head, it needs your input. what do you think happened. personally i think that
the girl also died because of the flood but then when she got to heaven she saw that the wolf wasnt there.. so there you go, no happy ending.
Found this one quite by accident. It's like watching a silent film. Moments of realization of what's going on hit like a hammer several times in this short oneshot. The art is a bit sketchy, but even so, you fall in love with the main characters immediately. Definitely worth the time to read. Full marks.
I always have to marvel at the subtleties that can only be invoked in skillful visual storytelling. From the changing position of the girl's bandage to a dark scene that would take many pages to express correctly in words, I truly believe that Akazukin to Yasashii Ookami is an example of how a lack of words can make something so much more powerful.
The story itself is a very dark, distorted version of the childhood fairy tale, filled with much more mature themes and carrying both a stronger message and a more disturbing ending. I honestly cannot recall the last time I read a dark fairy tale with anywhere close to the same impact. A worthy read.