Ok,let's get something straight.I respect Mayu Shinjo as a manga artist,and I don't hate her or anything.But,as a feminist and a person who knows when something is not wright,I have to say that Mayu Shinjo's works are: UNREALISTIC,UNMORAL,SADISTIC,MYSOGYNISTIC (hatred toward women),and not to mention the huge amount of SEXUAL VIOLENCE,or in other words,RAPE.:-(
I know that some people might think that it is ridiculous to discuss about a perverted manga,because the genre tells us what this kind of manga is all about.But,there is a huge difference between "erotic love" and "rape".I've read a couple of Shinjo's works (which I feel a bit ashamed),they include LOVE CELEB,KAIKAN PHRASE and HAOU AIREN.Most of the girls in Shino's mangas are so stupid it hurts,with a brain size of a walnut.They are so naive that a 3 year old couldn't compare,and so weak that it makes me wanna scream.:-@
The guys must always be soo handsome,popular,athletic,intelligent...actually,Mayu Shinjo makes them look so perfect in comparison to the girl characters that it makes me wanna puke.And I especially hate the same themes in her mangas:the guys always appear nice and charming in the beggining,then later show their true sadistic nature.I would say that the most disguisting male character to me was deffinatelly Hakuron from "Haou Airen".He was everything I hate:
cruel,manipulative,two-faced,and a real rapist.:-@ I felt misery,anger&hatred at the same time while reading it. I was so glad that Hakuron got killed in the end becouse he totally deserved it.
It makes me sad that Mayu Shinjo writes stuff like this,and I think that her works are offensive to both women and men.I think that every normal guy could never do such a thing to a woman he loves.
And there is also a question for these mangas: Would the main female character love the main guy if he wasn't soo handsome and popular? Would she let him rape her if he was an old,ugly and wrinkly man? Of course not,but it seems that Mayu Shinjo tries to prove in her mangas that "As long if the guy is handsome&perfect,he can do with me what ever he wants.Even if it means raping and hurting me." :-(
Please,don't make me laugh and throw up at the same time. :-@
This was my personal opinion about her mangas,but I didn't mean to offend the readers of her works.If you like Mayu Shinjo's works,feel free to read them.Everyone has the right to read what they want and have their own opinion.