The story is about a university student named Gao Ying, who happened to be staying at a hotel in an old town with many mysteries and suddenly got caught up in a conflict, a disaster from hundred of years ago. Here, for the first time ever, the truth of the world will be revealed to his eyes. A mysterious story filled with spiritual elements and humor. (Blacksnakehouse)
Official Translations:
Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese
The title refers to the name of the place located in Guangdong. Nanting (南亭) refers to Nanting village, and Guwei is the shortened name of the Guwei residential district (小谷围 xiao guwei). As stated by the author in one of the interviews, the name 'xiao guwei' (小谷围)is homonymous to the word 'ghost' (鬼, spelling: gui/guei). (You can watch the full interview here.)
100 Chapters (Complete)