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Monogatari (Novel) RSS Feed  
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Bakemonogatari centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high-school student who is almost human again after briefly becoming a vampire. One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjougahara, who infamously never talks to anyone, falls down the stairs into Koyomi's arms. He discovers that Hitagi weighs next to nothing, in defiance of physics. After being threatened by her, Koyomi offers his help, and introduces her to Meme Oshino, a strange middle-aged man living in an abandoned building, who cured him of being a vampire....

Original Volumes:
Bakemonogatari - 2 Volumes
Kizumonogatari - 1 Volume
Nisemonogatari - 2 Volumes
Nekomonogatari - 2 Volumes
Kabukimonogatari - 1 Volume
Hanamonogatari - 1 Volume
Otorimonogatari - 1 Volume
Onimonogatari - 1 Volume
Koimonogatari - 1 Volume
Tsukimonogatari - 1 Volume
Koyomimonogatari - 1 Volumes
Owarimonogatari - 3 Volumes
Zoku Owarimonogatari - 1 Volume
Orokamonogatari - 1 Volume
Wazamonogatari - 1 Volume
Nademonogatari - 1 Volume
Musubimonogatari - 1 Volume
Shinobumonogatari - 1 Volume
Yoimonogatari - 1 Volume
Amarimonogatari - 1 Volume
Ougimonogatari - 1 Volume
Shinomonogatari - 2 Volumes
Ikusamonogatari - 1 Volume

Vertical's Releases:
01) Kizumonogatari: Wound Tale (1 Vol)
02) Bakemonogatari: Monster Tale (3 Vols)
03) Nisemonogatari: Fake Tale (2 Vols)
04) Nekomonogatari: Cat Tale Black & White (2 Vols)
05) Kabukimonogatari: Dandy Tale (1 Vol)
06) Hanamonogatari: Flower Tale (1 Vol)
07) Otorimonogatari: Decoy Tale (1 Vol)
08) Onimonogatari: Demon Tale (1 Vol)
09) Koimonogatari: Love Tale (1 Vol)
10) Tsukimonogatari: Possession Tale (1 Vol)
11) Koyomimonogatari: Calendar Tale (2 Vols)
12) Owarimonogatari: End Tale - (3 Vols)
13) Zoku Owarimonogatari: End Tale - Cont. (1 Vol)


Related Series

Associated Names
Amarimonogatari (Novel)
Bakemonogatari (Novel)
Hanamonogatari (Novel)
Ikusamonogatari (Novel)
Kabukimonogatari (Novel)
Kizumonogatari (Novel)
Koimonogatari (Novel)
Koyomimonogatari (Novel)
Musubimonogatari (Novel)
Nademonogatari (Novel)
Nekomonogatari (Novel)
Nisemonogatari (Novel)
Onimonogatari (Novel)
Orokamonogatari (Novel)
Otorimonogatari (Novel)
Ougimonogatari (Novel)
Owarimonogatari (Novel)
Shinobumonogatari (Novel)
Shinomonogatari (Novel)
Tsukimonogatari (Novel)
Wazamonogatari (Novel)
Yoimonogatari (Novel)
Zoku Owarimonogatari (Novel)
化物語 (Novel)
化物语 (Novel)

Groups Scanlating

Latest Release(s)
v.17 c.3m by Tarable Translations 8 years ago
v.17 c.3l by Tarable Translations 8 years ago
v.13 c.3k by Tarable Translations 8 years ago
Search for all releases of this series

Status in Country of Origin

29 Volumes (Ongoing)

Completely Scanlated?

Anime Start/End Chapter
Starts at Vol 1 (Bakemonogatari) / Vol 7 (Second Season) / Vol 13 (Tsukimonogatari)
Ends at Vol 6 (Kuro) / Vol 12 (Second Season) / Vol 18 (Zoku Owarimonogatari)

User Reviews


User Rating
Average: 9 / 10.0 (216 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.67 / 10.0

Last Updated
August 25th, 2024 7:45am PDT - 6 months ago

Series Image



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Original Publisher
Kodansha (Kodansha Box)

Serialized In (magazine)
Mephisto (Kodansha)

Licensed (in English)

English Publisher
Vertical (20 Vols - Ongoing; see description)

Activity Stats (vs. other series)
Weekly Pos #634 decreased(-2)
Monthly Pos #1807 (No change)
3 Month Pos #2668 decreased(-653)
6 Month Pos #3379 decreased(-950)
Year Pos #4937 decreased(-521)

List Stats
On 670 reading lists
On 783 wish lists
On 65 completed lists
On 19 unfinished lists
On 383 custom lists

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