Hey there buddy,
there are some spoilers, so if you don’t want to see them, just skip to the conclusion at the end. But my comment will be made based from what I read on the first arc, so in the future if the series change a lot I may also update my comment.
I agree that the start is, indeed kind of misleading or confusing for some, but if you read a bit more, the first arc for example (Around chapter 14), you will find that this series is really good.
Well, our main character has several issues with trust because when he saved a bullied guy from the bullies and became the new target, the saved guy betrayed him and within time even started to bully him too. Therefore our MC decided to never trust anyone again. The bullying was so bad that he decided to kill the main bully, the son of the school (which is private) owner. So he makes some traps and lures the guy to the trap, but instead of the guy, what he found dead at the trap is a monster. By killing the monster, he leveled up and can choose skills to allocate the points.
He decides to get summon and support magic. Doing this, he can summon a monster and use support magic in it or something of the sort (he can also use support on himself). But when he is going to kill his third monster, he discovers that it is actually running after a girl. The girl realizes what he is trying to do an act as bait, so he ended up saving her and leveled up again. But he can’t leave it and decide what to do later, every time he level up, time stops and he can choose the skill to allocate the points. He find out that he can only level up one of his two skills on get a new one. As he doesn’t want to be a jack of all trades but master of none, he decides to level up one of his two skills.
He have to think a lot, because if he level supporting skill it will be difficult to level up alone, but if he level summon, it might be ok to level by himself. But what if he end up in a fight with a stronger monster? For example a dragon or something like it. Which one will most likely keep him alive? If the girl he saved is willing to cooperate, choosing support skill is the best choice, but what if she is not? In the end he gets to the conclusion that even if she ends up betraying him, choosing the support skill will grant him the most survivability. He makes his choice based on his analysis of her behavior and his fights so far (she managed to maintain her calmness and think rationally in such a situation and even acted as bait, so she will most likely make a rational decision). – This paragraph was just to explain the misunderstanding of Demize (the other guy that commented)
The game elements are also not exaggerated, which (for me) is a good thing. The monsters disappear and drop items, but only what they were holding, for example a sword or spear, and sometimes as a small gem (money?) will appear/drop (don’t know in the future if more things will drop). There is no screen, hp bar, mp bar or stuff alike appearing. When they go to the white room (when time stops), they can allocate points in a computer, lol.
This series has a somehow slow start and it get better at the end of the first arc. The MC is smart and always tries to analyse things rationally and make smart decisions. He has no problems with obeying the female he saved if she makes a better plan or decision. The romance is really good (Within time he loses his fear of being betrayed towards her), for a series that don’t have romance as the main genre, it is quite good. The game elements are not exaggerated and the main character is not overpowered from the start, he level up and slowly gets stronger.