Choco and Mimi are two friends, who has very many adventures with their friends. Konami Sonoda draws them in Chibi and that's not a 'normal' manga!
11 Volumes (Incomplete due to mangaka's death)

This isn't manga in the traditional sense, but rather collections of 4 paneled comic strips that are all related around the same characters. Pretty much Lucky Star, but with better humor and characterisation IMO. It seems to be aimed at a younger audience, although I think it's endearing and interesting to read about in the same way that so many older manga/anime fans adore Lucky Star; in my opinion, I think I like Chocomimi even better. Definitely recommended. 😀
I love this manga, even though I should be way too old for it 😛 The humor is simple and suits any age group though. Sonaoa's art style is very cute and she manages to make all of her characters loveable, especially the animals, who often star in their own mini manga.
If you're after something easy to pick up and to make you smile I recommend it. I only wish the live action version is picked up soon too!
I love that manga and it's so cute! The fashion, which is present in every chapter, is really good and typical for young, japanes people. I love them. Especially Andrew and Mimi! And I like Mika-san! Funny and cute. That's more a manga for kids of the elemamtary school, but it's a good varity for all the serious mangas.