Story is really something that doesn’t interest me, so point taken. Club at school makes make up and other stuff, hair most important. They always took everything so seriously. Also the whole manga was making "being pretty" a thing. Like, the hell, being confident means you are confident without being pretty. jeez. So I really didn’t like the story. The romance wasn’t developed enough for my liking. Also, they were all guys in that club. In reality, such thing as fashion is more or less for girls. And this drama on the various contests. I think it would be better to make them lose sometime. They won every time.
Art was good, easy to tell the characters apart and cute. Old men were drawn really strange though. I think I don’t like the eyes she draws, but still better than average shoujo.
Very good point of this manga. The main girl (Kiri) is incredible. Dull and boring. Not that that’s bad. She never cried, yay. the guys were made also nice, but nothing remarkable. I lied Ochiai most, of course. My type of person, also, he was so tragically cute in his attempts to stalk or only touch Kiri. Poor bastard. Before he liked her, he was boring though.
Yes, very good. Could be less contests and more everyday life. But still one of better shoujos. I was chearing for Ochiai though. But it was obvious from the start that she will end with Narumi.