I only watched the anime & movie… just starting the manga…
Overall, I can say that I really liked this, but I have some issues with Mafuyu’s past relationship…
1st, the reason and method of Yuki’s death wasn’t clear enough. In the first scene, it seemed like he was hanging midair, so I assumed it was suicide by hanging, but later they said he “drank too much alcohol@, so alcohol poisoning?!
In the end, I just made the hypothesis that he got drunk & killed himself. In that case, he must’ve had a pretty serious case of depression… despite his young age & while being in this supposedly “ideal” relationship with his so called “soulmate”…
Here’s my other question: why was Mafuyu the first one to find him?!?
They were in the middle of a fight, & being a student, I assume that Yuki lived with his family, so the most likely reason that Mafuyu found him first is probably that Yuki actually called him over…
Now this is my problem.
If Yuki really called his lover to find his dead body, even while drunk, it couldn’t possibly have been a healthy relationship, but the author romanticizes this relationship to a ridiculous degree!
I might be over sensitive because one of my best friends’ boyfriend actually did something like this recently. Calling/texting your lover over after taking pills… you wouldn’t do that to someone you care about… the feeling of helplessness, the guilt they feel about not having helped & the overall hollowness that remains with them… I’ve watched this from up close and I really don’t think there’s anything to romanticize about a relationship that dealt this much damage to one side’s psyche…
Again, I may be a bit defensive because this is a recent experience that my friend is still struggling with, so a bit of bias is inevitable, however, I do believe that if we get past this extreme romanticization and accept it as a plot device, everything else is quite beautifully expressed, so I definitely do recommend this~
& I’m gonna post another comment after I finish reading the manga~