This will be a very personal review. First of all, I believe that I if had read this manga in these present days, my rating will be different. Is a story of a boy whose destiny is to become the next leader of a mafia family. Pretty typical nowadays. The only twist given to this was that it was played for laughs: the protagonist, due to his usefulness, couldn’t accept it.
Overall, all the characters are bland. They all could be described in a sentence. Still they were pretty enjoyable to watch. And it was easy to care for them. I personally found myself being very empathic with the main character. Likewise, the plot is something easily improvised by the author but worked fine…sometimes. Also, the fights were actually good. But that’s the least part I remember.
The thing that I found it to be the most outstanding is the art. It wasn’t so captivating at first, at least for me, but it gradually became its own thing. I believe Amano’s style is kinda charming. Her art has a personal touch that avoids a generic style.
Now my biggest problem: the last arc was terrible. When I mean terrible I mean it so. It felt so purposely anti-climactic: wasted potential, sudden plot elements that weren’t even showed before, bad structure itself. The ending also killed it for me. I remember feeling hope that at least the conclusion will be great. But at the end every sign of character development of the main character is thrown to the trash can. It was obviously a rushed ending, but I still don’t get why it happened like that.
In summary: Reborn! isn’t something new nor is a masterpiece (is far away from that). But it had potential to be an enjoyable story until the end. And I really want to share it as such, but I can't.
I will only recommend this to those who are in an urge to read something. Or to somebody with a lot of spare time and who doesn’t care about reading something that may leave some mixed feelings.