The (former) Takagi-san and her daughter, Chi-chan, bring you this teasing home comedy. Is Dad going to make an appearance too?
22 Volumes (Ongoing; Serialisation Complete)

The main issue i have is the femc teasing the mc in literally every chapter. I understand that the point odf the manga is about teasing, but it would be nice for her to be teased and aknowledge that she was embarrassed
Don't confuse it with Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san, its a sequel
This series has two central themes: the first is about Chi's life with her family, and the second is about (the former) Takagi-san's continued teasing of Nishikata, who is now her husband. The chapters focusing on Chi are great. On the other hand, your mileage may vary on the chapters focusing on Nishikata being teased.
This means that half this series is no different from its ongoing parent series, which is a double-edged sword. If you like to see more of Nishikata getting one upped by Takagi, great; however, if you came here expecting to see Takagi and Nishikata acting as husband and wife, be warned: they never do, and in fact their relationship here is in no way any different from when they were middle schoolers. Nishikata's portrayal is that of an immature man-child who can't stand losing to and getting embarrassed by the woman who is supposed to be his wife and the mother of his child. To make matters worse he also behaves like this towards his own preschooler daughter! His behavior will make you wonder how he and Takagi got together, let alone had a child. It was okay the first few chapters, but after forty it is just uncomfortable to read.
So yeah, if you do decide to read this please do so with the knowledge that half of the time you may find yourself put off by how one one third of the cast is portrayed.