The human suspense story follows a lawyer named Makoto Narita who is wanted for crimes he did not commit. Narita now helps people in trouble, even as he searches for the person who committed the crimes for which he was framed.
6 Volumes (Complete)
In my country, this series already publish until 4 volumes. The main story is good. The lawyer who become fugitive and look for a justice. The most interesting part, when Makoto , in every chapter, run away from police and help everyone who have problem with law if he has a chance.
A bit amusing when i read The Black Swindler (Kuromaru & Natsuhara Takeshi) and then read this manga, really contradiction.
Suprisingly! Both The black swindler and The Fugitive lawyer make by one person. Go Hideki have another pen-name as Natsuhara Takeshi. Wow. Just great 😀