Comedy. This is what Beelzebub is honestly about. Its absurdity, the insanity--that is the point it presses on the most, and fortunately it has yet to fail to get its point across. I swear, every chapter makes you laugh out loud, even the more serious ones have something to smile about. When the day comes I can't utter a giggle after reading a chapter is the day this manga will end. It's the humor that keeps it fresh and exciting. 95% sure it would die without it.
The plot is slow and tedious. Don't get me wrong, it goes then stops. A few teases, but never enough to shift the story in a different direction. You can feel the build up with each arc though. With each arc he pulls the curtain back a little bit. It can be frustrating at times. You want more, but instead he gives us what feels like filler arcs (which really are more minor character/major character interaction/background arcs. So they're not USELESS just less main plot and more subplot). At the moment it feels pretty filler, but it's hilarious and I'm invested in these characters and "pairs" so I could care less.
Lastly are the characters. For a shounen, I think we have some pretty unique people here (who doesn't love baby Beel?). For once the females within this shounen are pretty badass. Not in a controlling, soft way, but in a physically agressive way. Aoi and Hilda--dayuuuum. These two have every male on their backs (NOT SEXUALLGOSH). And you also have a range of minor characters that grow more involved with the plot and Oga's adventures. They really start to grow on you. They're not overbearing but they're sassy enough to keep you awake.
The relationships between these characters is surprisingly strong--or at least between the ones that matter. Whenever a rare moment of emotion is seen, it feels genuine and never forced. That's another thing about this manga--it never feels forced. Everything is fluid, even if some things are INSANE. There's this great consistency.
Yes, this is a battle manga but there's less emphasis on "battle." Fighting is a better word. Tons of fighting, but no real battles. Oga isn't the type of guy to pound his feelings into someone nor does he care about someone else's feelings. He does follow under some lead shounen stereotypes but overall he's too much fun to hate. His DGAF personality is what makes him the most fun. He doesn't care if he beats or hugs the shit out of someone.
I highly suggest you read the first chapter before passing it by. If you dont' like the humor, then I'd highly suggest you pass this because Beelzebub is all about the funny.