I started reading this because i was bored, so i didn't have high expectations. And it was also just because i really really love the author's other work.
Tbh, in the beginning, i found quite a few plot holes and some cliché, cringey romance stuff, but i decided to turn off my brain and continue reading it.
And ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhghghg, it was SO SO GOOD. I GOT HOOKED. I FEEL AMAZINGLY, ADDICTIVELY EXCITED AND GRIPPING the whole time.
Also, the art was chef kiss superb. 9/10 for the art (it just that i felt like male characters are drawn more beautifully than female ones).You'd like to screenshot continuously reading this manhua. I especially adored how the authors illustrate the atmosphere. They're just breathtaking...
If you like possessive male lead, ugh, this is for you. And
yes, even though he tried to manipulate the female lead, and i have to admit that it's a little toxic, but damn i love the scenes so much. (But you know, he's still a lot better than many many other jerk male leads;) We hope to see your character development, Kiều Kiềuuu. Also they have the hottest seggscene i've ever read. It doesn't show a thing, yet it feels so much more sexy than those lewd hent*i
The second male lead, Hình Cao Lãnh, also seems nice. Like, the characters, they all seem to be so real, and have their own personalities. For example, the white haired girl... Haha
i thought she looks so cute the first time a saw her, and it turns out she's not a bit*h too
Much more better than a lot of kdramas. Absolutely worth the time for me.