I liked the art! It was really unique. The story was fine, but I found that it quickly became a one dimensional setting because the people dont talk that much about the kaijuu in the manga. It would be nice if the mangaka made the school setting more developed.
That way, MC's feelings towards Minami-kun would be more dramatic and the choice between ignoring him and staying human or trying to love him and turning into the kaijuu would be way more entertaining. The MC doesn't really think about the ramifications of becoming a kaijuu enough imo. It's obvious that her mom knows something she doesn't, and is likely the reason behind her ability to turn into a kaijuu. Manatsu is funny, but i wish she would be more than just the nice social bestfriend type that is also a weirdo. Her character needs to develop more. Also, either the general feel of the school needs to develop or the lonely aspect of Kuroe need to be shown more. I think the concept is unique, but author is tiptoing the edge in regards to Minami-kun and the complexity of his character.
He has none. He seemed to have some sort of inferiority complex in 1st chapter, but he overcame them so quickly that they are hardly worth mentioning, which is a shame. It was interesting to see how he used to be fat, and how he deals with the difference in treatment.
It would also have been nice to see more of Minami's feeling of gratitude to Kuroe, as she's the only person keeping it real with him (in the beginning) or the fact that he has no friends and likely, no boy wants to befriend him at school. He too could be an interesting character, but his interesting bits aren't focused on.
Anyway, lastly, i'm kind of miffed that the confession happened so soon. Chapter 7 is wayyy too soon, author could've expanded on the loneliness and confusion that Kuroe felt, or the insecurities and the denial of her feelings she might've had. An emphasis on the sheer difference between their social caste would be VERY appreciated. I liked the comedic aspects of this. This is a manga that i feel is even better than MLB. I used to think shoujo adventure mangas were extinct, but now that this exists, i hope they don't screw it up. The weird fanservice of Kuroe, who has the body of a 10-year old, is a bit weird though, and i wish they'd stop it.