what the fuck did i just read?! good prank though, you really played with my emotions really well
there are SOOO many things wrong with this trash of a manhwa
Character Review:
1-Joon (Main Character)
he is a pos, he is leading on 3 girls at the same time which is evil, he also keeps playing with the emotion of his wife by constantly going to concert of his ex-girlfriend
ALSO he constantly is saying HEY, are you cheating on me with your manager when he literally keeps hugging and holding hands of other women!! fuck this guy
i hate people who smoke, so right of the bat i hate her, she is portrayed as being strong independent woman!! MY ASS
she literally decided to suck the cock of the company that blackmailed her instead of fighting back, she said the lawsuit would cost her gazillion dollars, BULLSHIT, no company even in north korea (the best korea after reading this shit) can do this to you, she decided to ghost his boyfriend for around a year or two instead of sharing the problem so that the two of them can fix it together.
she is a cheating lying evil bitch
i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt because of the lawsuit but in the last page she literally says she could give up her career and join MC but that is not her place and that he would be happy but i would be miserable, if you choose your career instead of your relationship, you are cheating EXACTLY in the sense as if some richer partner has come to the picture and you chose them, it is cheating and it has to be called that
you are the most important thing in the world, never forget that joon, promise me you never leave me, i will always be by your side, i'll never leave you,i love you so much
ALL of these quotes are lies and she knew she is lying at that moment, this is why the story is garbage, this is not the Duna that we knew, no way she says "my fame is more important than him" when we know she is constantly afraid that people are leaving her behind
easily the best girl, she was just a little dumb, why do you keep remaining around this loser of a mc! she truly deserved better, the author did her dirty, she became replacement for duna, even when she is trying to have a connection to mc, we keep getting flashbacks of duna! even the author knows this is a bad relationship, so why did the author did this?
all the other characters are horrendously bad or redundant
the author doesn't understand what love is, at all, she thinks love is those moment of excitement you feel in a relationship, the author ,it's a female, is mistaking lust and crush and passion for love, most likely because she is an empty loser herself, i love you so much that's why i have to let you go and chase my career that i was blackmailed into but gods please don't let him get hurt so much! LOOOL
if you think i'm butthurt because of the sad ending, think again, i'm currently reading Aeneid by Virgil and i cried my eyes out for "Dido", the Dignified Queen who got destroyed by Venus and how Aeneas was forced to abandon her against his wish, that is a tragedy because it's well built, there is no loophole, this my friends is trash
i see people coping by saying the ending was realistic, well yes it is realistic because retarded people end up in this situation