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New Poll - Sexism

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Post #652462
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8:33 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 8

honestly i think all of the above for the options for voting. sexism isn't just against women, that's misogyny which falls under sexism but it not the whole of it. every genders can, and mostly likely has/will experience sexism.

it should be applicable to not just women/female forms of sexism. it's just as annoying and painful when these tropes are applied to characters who are not female.

especially the sexual assault/rape and "aren't you a man" ones because these are used to reinforce that for some reason men are not able to be victimized and if they are they should "man up" and not talk about it.

male (all) charas beaten down and demeaned used to rebuild them over the course of a story is fine. but it stings a little when you see a chara who obviously has been abused, often as a child, and it's used as a joke if he feels any sort of emotion about it. this isn't just something to be applied when it happens to a female chara.

although, with all that said. i do think we should approach how these things happen to different gendered charas differently while still respecting that no form of sexism is worse. just different. a male chara will experience sexism different due to societal structures based on maleness and cultural norms that differ from country to country and generalize ethnic groupings. what is sexist in us western culture isn't the sexist in south american western culture.

it's important to be able to remove the non-japanese view when criticizing japanese media unless you are speaking solely on what japanese tropes in media clash with non-japanese ideas of social acceptableness. not because japan is above criticism, but because the discussion needs to be focused on their views of morality and how they navigate it. because it doesn't mean the same to us as it does to them. and often that doesn't make it right, but it also doesn't make it wrong either. just different.

Post #652463
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Mythical Creature

8:48 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 285

All of the above.

Post #652464 - Reply to (#652452) by kurotaito

8:58 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 60

And who said manga about those average 90%?

Post #652466 - Reply to (#652457) by MinatoAce

9:09 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 60

Don't ever go into hentai/yaoi section, and don't read mind break and/or NTR category compiled with comedy genre. smile I remember that one oneshot where couple pretended to not know each other and go into full NTR course for shit and giggles.

Post #652468 - Reply to (#652452) by kurotaito
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9:52 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 140

Why is it sexist if he or she falls in love with the rapist? Seriously mate, there have been cases where the victim of the abuse let's the abuser go free and I've read in the news that some even married the abuser. PTSD will most definetly appear on the abused but it does not mean that Stockholm Syndrome will not.
And you cannot explain that it's a sexist view with "because most of the manga I read with it in it (Shoujo) don't do it probably and do it to often to make it really count as the Stockholm Syndrome". Go read some netotare hentai manga, plenty of those around.

"Spread your ear-pollution both far and wide" - Billy Squier, The Stroke.
Post #652469 - Reply to (#652444) by anmo
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10:08 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 54


YES! This exactly. I'm not going to vote because I refuse to "rate" sexism.

Post #652472 - Reply to (#652446) by Chayto
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Me too ♥

10:50 am, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 1139

Quote from Chayto
I'm pretty sure that "Falling in love with their rapist" is not sexism but a psychological disorder named Stockholm Syndrome.

No, Stockholm Syndrome is when you sympathize with the person(s) that kidnapped you. Usually falling in love.
(This is why the Stockholm syndrome tag has been misused )

Falling for your rapist is something else. ( not sure what)

As for the poll, I picked "What?Sexism still exists " but then again I'm the one who thinks everyone takes things too seriously ...

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Post #652477
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12:09 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 1026

Nice poll for a interesting discussion. I would mark "all of the above"...

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12:10 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 141

The thing i find funny about this poll is the worst sexist things (the rape ones) that are in manga are almost solely in shoujo manga. It is fair to admit in manga for young boys girls often play a smaller point however men in shoujo manga often face the exact same "sexist tropes" as girls do in shounen manga. For the most part i think sexism isn't as big of an issue in manga compared to other industries.

Post #652479
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12:23 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 89

I'm sorry, but in what manga do the characters fall in love with their rapist or assault portrayed as a jokeconfused Coz I haven't seen these at all, unless it's an h-manga fetish I've never even heard of that crap. So let's stop with these lame poll's.

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An F to judge M!

12:45 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 387

Objectification, I guess?

Not the usual objectification, though, where a man looks at a woman like a piece of meat. I'm talking more along the lines of... what, reverse objectification, I guess? General objectification when speaking in terms of sexism is about using a girl as an object for gratification, but Japan kinda reverses that concept.

For example, Kantai Collection.

In Kantai Collection, girls ARE battleships. They are literally objects to use, but when you have a concept like that, the natural desire of the H-manga author is to revert the 'object' back into a girl and THEN exploit that.

So what is that, actually? The girlification of objects?


Yeah, that's it! What I hate is the girlification of objects, and then the objectification of those objects after they've been girlified!

Nailed it.

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12:50 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 91

Damsel in distress, girl solely exists to be a love interest, jealous, vain, and/or cruel STUPID fangirls. I mean, seriously, I don't mind jealousy, I don't mind vainness, I DON'T mind cruelty, if they would just do it intelligently. Half the shoujo mangas? Forget about it. Cheap half-ass love triangles, or a bully existing just to boost the main couple's relation. It's stupid.

As for rape, I have no idea why everyone's so bothered about it. =/

I don't mind it that much. It's reality, it will be there. In fact, it makes things more real. Doesn't mean I support it, not at all. Just that I don't mind having it in mangas. My opinion, much better than those crybaby heroines who just had their best-friend ignore her lying about there.

Girls are INTELLECTUAL individuals dudes! Not just that apple you decide to put in your kitchen. I welcome any girl who can clean their own ass and stand on their own legs, rape or not. Any less, yup, sexism. Unforgivable as a fellow girl.

Post #652487
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Mome Basher

1:50 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 3380

Oh Lamb...why did you fall for the SJW trap?
The whole poll reads like it was asked by Feminazi extraordinaire Anita Sarkeesian - or at least by one of her brainwashed momes.

Great job on singling out your own gender.

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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1:59 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 139

Damsel in distress, I hate that so much. It's annoying when they're completely helpless and worthless. I love a strong heroine or supporting female character.

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2:01 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 388

I would put all of the above if that were an option, but there are some I'm okay with more than others. (Some people here have never heard of the non-consent fantasy...)

Anyways, I think a big problem of this in manga is that they're just too common. A lot of these tropes are pretty much examples of bad and lazy writing.

A frequent enough scene is your incredibly average male protagonist who sees a girl's panties by mistake for whatever reason. About a good number of those moments is followed by the protagonist exclaiming to the world what type of underwear she's wearing (e.g. "polk-a-dots," "strawberry" etc.). The girl gets flustered or incredibly furious and then proceeds to take revenge on him, usually by smacking him around a bit.

There is just so many things wrong about that scene. The girl's body (usually ranging from prepubescent to late teens) is objectified for the viewer. Notice how much space in the page (or pages if it's a two page spread -_-) is devoted to just the panty shot. Then of course, the male is rendered as a tactless idiot by such a glorious display. The girl, being the bashful bastion of chastity she is, is always embarrassed of her exposed body and defends herself against this male violator, who just really had poor timing. And this is all played for laughs. roll eyes

I'm just tired of these unrealistic people and these gender roles.

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