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New Poll - Sexism

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Post #652492 - Reply to (#652487) by Scyfon
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2:09 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 388

[ x ] Femnazi
[ x ] SJW
[ x ] Betraying your gender
[ x ] Anita Sarkeesian
[ x ] Brainwashed

Ease up on the red pill bro. You're starting to show symptoms.

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2:09 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 2

For those saying they cant find rape in a manga may I direct you to Kaikan Phrase, one of the stupidiest, uniformed and plain offensive dealing with rape in manga I have come accross. Rape in manga, fine, just deal with it as an actual thing and not a plot device. Don't blame the victim, don't turn it into a frivolous and non-serious matter. In Yaoi its even worse, a common plot device rarely used with any weight or psychological effect.

It's now a trope in Yaoi, and that just bugs the crap out of me.
In shoujo its not at that level yet, but the use of rape as a story arc where the woman blames herself, is blamed or infact brushes it off as normal, especially in a relationship, without the mangaka condemning this in thier work pisses me off as it normalises a bad attitude of rape- of normalacy and victim blame- to a demographic of readers particularly easy to influence.

Okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so ranty and stuff. This crap just winds me up. But that's me and my issue with the portrayal of rape in manga. roll eyes

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Post #652494 - Reply to (#652493) by HinagikuDaisy
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2:36 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 981

My most disliked trope isn't here, and that is the shounen harem - the idea that an average guy can have tons of women competing for his attention. I find that more offensive and unrealistic than the other choices, as there are few legitimate plot reasons to support it. Is it so common that its offensive nature is waved away? So I voted for "Objectification," which usually goes along with it.

Quote from HinagikuDaisy
For those saying they cant find rape in a manga may I direct you to Kaikan Phrase, one of the stupidiest, uniformed and plain offensive dealing with rape in manga I have come accross.

Kaikan Phrase is not an example of falling in love with the rapist. The sex between Aine and Sakuya was consensual; and although she was raped by the villian, she did not fall in love with him. Your point stands though, as the rape wasn't dealt with well (she just kind of got over it), and you only need to look at Haou Airen for an example that does fit. (Although I haven't read it, so I may be wrong.)

Post #652495 - Reply to (#652492) by SilverStorm

2:45 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 60

But it's true. After GamerGate all SJWs lose all fear and begin shoehorn their faith everywhere at broad daylight.

Post #652496

2:50 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 54

I feel like most of these need a popular manga example. I haven't seen most of these so I can't say they annoy me, its not really a trope if it doesnt exist in any popular series (and unpopular ones are unpopular for a reason).

This poll is insanely vague and I can't tell if its directed at shonen books or hentai books.

Post #652497 - Reply to (#652491) by SilverStorm

2:58 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 60

This is called "comedy" and "fanservice" for a reason. If you tired - read something else for a change.

More common than you think, especially at certain age and in certain societies.

Post #652498 - Reply to (#652494) by scarletrhodelia

3:04 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 60

My most disliked trope isn't here, and that is the shounen harem - the idea that an average guy can have tons of women competing for his attention. I find that more offensive and unrealistic than the other choices, as there are few legitimate plot reasons to support it. Is it so common that its offensive nature is waved away?

And shoujo/yuri/yaoi harem is realistic and fine?

Post #652499 - Reply to (#652462) by poptart
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3:14 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 30

Quote from poptart
although, with all that said. i do think we should approach how these things happen to different gendered charas differently while still respecting that no form of sexism is worse. just different. a male chara will experience sexism different due to societal structures based on maleness and cultural norms that differ from country to country and generalize ethnic groupings. what is sexist in us western culture isn't the sexist in south american western culture.

it's important to be able to remove the non-japanese view when criticizing japanese media unless you are speaking solely on what japanese tropes in media clash with non-japanese ideas of social acceptableness. not because japan is above criticism, but because the discussion needs to be focused on their views of morality and how they navigate it. because it doesn't mean the same to us as it does to them. and often that doesn't make it right, but it also doesn't make it wrong either. just different.

I somewhat agree. I think people especially in the US do take sexism too far to where they can't see anything but gender roles when watching foreign media. But there is a place for improving women's rights universally.

I hate it the most when two guys are fighting, and one of them is a guy who looks exactly like a girl and then the other guy says he can hit him because he's a man, not a girl.

Also objectification--It really drops the quality of a manga in my eyes when there's all these badass men and there's only women with H-I cup breasts and they're supposedly strong and powerful but they just stand around all the time or are only there in beach/hot springs chapters.

It's also quite insulting when the author makes a "mannish/boyish" girl and she's the only one who does anything of value.(She may or may not have large breasts)

When there's an exotic women she's almost always curvy with large breasts and wide hips and a good butt. When there's a "normal" she's almost always flat chested or small breasted, as if a girl's only worth something if they have curves.

As for guys, it's saddening when men who to suck it all in to be considered "manly". There's probably mroe that annoys me but that's all for now.

Post #652502 - Reply to (#652427) by philip72
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3:34 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 315

how is this american politics o_o i see no mention of obama

Post #652503 - Reply to (#652492) by SilverStorm
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Mome Basher

3:38 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 3380

Quote from SilverStorm
Ease up on the red pill bro. You're starting to show symptoms.

Why would I ever wanna take the blue pill on topics like these? laugh

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Post #652504 - Reply to (#652450) by ascoat
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3:39 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 315

i mean, you can pretty much swap "girl/woman" for "boy/man" in most of them. better wording would have been nice

Post #652506 - Reply to (#652468) by Chayto
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3:55 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 315

the sexist part of the falling in love with rapist scenario isnt that the heroine fell in love with her rapist in the first place (some mangas play with this scenario for psychological/mind break effect), it's that the manga often gives the rapist a "pass" by him saying something like "i did it because i love you" or some garbage like that, making it seem like the manga saying that it's OKAY to rape someone because you apparently love them and that is a correct form of showing affection, and then the girl will fall in love with you. no. rape is an act of power and control. period.

victims don't "let" abusers go free, often there isn't enough evidence to prosecute or the girl/guy is often too ashamed or discouraged to continue going forward with the investigation.

Post #652507
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3:55 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 647

I don't view it as sexist per se, but definitely a girl (or boy) falling in love with her/his rapist or abuser. The exception is if there are some psychological issues involved, but otherwise it's just a stupid plotline.

Some others really bother me: Sexual assault/rape portrayed as a joke/justified, objectification, 'all women/men are...'. One of my most hated mangas, I love High School, is terrible for stereotyping both genders.

Some don't bother me: 'But you're a girl' (I think that people misinterpret this as being patronizing when it's really just bad writing meant to show that the boy is acknowledging the girl as a possible love interest), damsel in distress (some girls are weak, some guys are weak, no need to take one character's weakness as a reflection on the entire gender), evil fangirls (they're always exaggerated in manga, but they do exist - ask Justin Bieber), and the Madonna/whore dichotomy (I read lots of Josei, so I've seen plenty of women who are neither).

One I've never seen - Girl exists solely to be a love interest. I'm guessing this is mostly a shounen thing and I don't read a lot of shounen.

I'm thinking that most of the people who voted for 'sexism still exists?' are just trolls, but I'm going to cry for the soul of anyone ignorant enough to have voted for it seriously.

Post #652508
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4:04 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 66

This poll is about distaste for sexism yet the options themselves are actually most sexist. Sexism shouldn't be restricted only to females but to all other types of 'sex'. Men, women, bi, trans, gay, les, etc., all of them suffer from sexist tropes found everywhere including mangas, so this poll alone sounds more like a joke by all means when it's assuming sexism is all about women.

That, and the fact that we could actually vote on which type of sexism is the worst. Kind of like asking what kinds of crime you are most disgusted with. Clearly a redundant & stupid question.


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4:04 pm, Sep 20 2014
Posts: 445

Eh, even though a lot of these bother me, (like rape leading to love) I couldn't vote for them because I know its done on men and women. (I'm looking at you, yaoi fangirls).

I gotta admit, I don't really care too much about most sexist statements like, 'but you're a girl' or 'go make me a sandwich' or 'get back in the kitchen!' It's gonna take a lot worse than that to bother me.

The only reason I'm typically bothered by the absurd amount of fanservice in manga is because there isn't nearly as much fanservice of men as there is for men. (At least not int they type of manga I read)

The kind of things that probably bother me the most are so many of the tropes in your average harem (or reverse harem) series, when they ruin perfectly good characters by making them fall head over heels for the useless main character for the stupidest reason. Being a girl reading those stories, i can really only identify with those female characters on the other end of the harem and the other end of the harem is kind of a sucky place to be. But that can go either way, although reverse harems are rarer and typically less extreme.

I think this poll looses all its value when it acts like sexism only exists against women, or that these categories can only be applied to women.

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