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Your Voice

How does your voice sound like?
I don't know?!! ;_;
... (= I don't talk)
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jail bait

6:17 am, Jan 8 2010
Posts: 1444

i have a high voice when im excited and im constantly exicited!!
i also have a very low voice when im sleepy...and im constantly sleepy...soo..i dont really know...but i voted high!!~ laugh

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12:17 pm, Jan 8 2010
Posts: 672

Somewhere in between, though my voice does tend to crack at times.

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Post #347349
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Bazooka .

2:37 pm, Jan 8 2010
Posts: 603

I guess mine sounds normal.
shout- members have heard it , iirc.

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2:53 pm, Jan 8 2010
Posts: 287

I have a high-sounding voice. However, when I hear it on a recording, it doesn't sound like my voice which I'm used to hearing; it sounds like I really slur words confused

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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii)

(Even though the quote above is from Hamlet, I first saw it in a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer on YouTube ^o^)
Post #347353
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2:55 pm, Jan 8 2010
Posts: 2128

It varies...
I sound like Darth Vader when I get out of bed... during working hours, it's sorta low, but not that deep, IMO.... then it explodes and covers ever possible microcosm of the audible spectrum when I'm drinking/partying.... and mutates to Maria Sharapova when I'm riding my bike (thank goodness no one can hear me with my helmet on) laugh

~Point & Squirt~

8:36 am, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 165

I'm a baritone(like most males), which by definition is in between =P

the poll result will only turn out to be a surprise if people don't know their voices, because statistics (and genetics) indicates that the most common is for people to have an "in between" voice

for males:
bass - low pitch(aka deep)
baritone - in between - most common
tenor - high pitch

for females
contralto - low pitch
mezzo-soprano - in between
soprano - high pitch

for males the second most common is bass and for females the second most common is soprano, if I'm not mistaken.

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Manga Otaku

8:52 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 715

My voice is sometimes high and sometimes low....So it's somewhere in between.

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Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Digital Wraith

9:46 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 86

Mine is a fairly average level voice, if a little on the deep end. It has a slight scratchy tone to it. I normally talk fairly quietly, so people think I have a very low tone voice. I used to have a higher pitched voice and was actually a pretty good singer, then puberty struck..... Another reason it changed so much is because I am extremely shy.

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12:13 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 1181


Depends, really...
Talking to a female, in between..
Talking to a male, deep..

Dunno, guess it's for some intimidation, but both are my normal voice...
Also, If I'm not in a very nice mood, my voice deepens or somethin like that..

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2:43 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 123

Right now I have a cold so it's really low laugh
But usually I'd say it's in-between, though it gets high pitched when i'm angry, which is really embarrassing.

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2:48 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 537

Someone once told me that my voice swings back and forth between high and low. I can hardy call that inbetween, so I'll go with "I don't know".

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6:43 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 245

In-between, I guess. It depends on my mood, I think.

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Thanks to blueangel06661 for the stock!
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8:21 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 140

Idk but my voice is rather low when talking. You could say when singing I'm contralto in general.

Post #637096
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9:51 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 362

my voice is neither high nor low but... it is unfortunately very whiny. idk why but i can't believe people sit around and listen to me talk

ah but i do sing alto, so i guess it's on the lower end...

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10:30 am, Mar 22 2014
Posts: 412

Not shrill, but i don't know how to describe it. People often tell me that they like to listen to my voice when I talk to them over phone shy

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