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2014 may have been a very important year for anime

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:01 pm, Dec 31 2014
Posts: 2411

What you will now read is something that i had on my mind for almost half a year and will now put down on paper to close the year. First of some history:
This is a very well done piece how animes are being done today and about the crash the market faced quite recently. This may be a manga site but this is still important stuff in my book. Please read all 3 parts. Now to my point.
I think that we maybe have finally reached the end of the long night of lack of creativity.
The last few years were not the best after all. Sales are still nothing great but creativity is back in the field again as of this year especially. Here is something i wrote on the ANN forums regarding the quality of what i saw this year in top 5 form:

"5)Psycho Pass 2(8/10). I enjoyed it way more then season 1. Hang me if you want but i posted in it´s review(manga here) thread to explain why. Kogami is the best anti-villain of the year and it has the best ending song. Why did you become suddenly so interesting dear anime(besides Tow Ubukata) and why couldn´t you have been a barely connected prequel to stand alone ?
4)Rage of Bahamut: Genesis(8,5/10). Best opening song and best female lead of the year. Where did you come form dear anime ? You were supposed to be a trashy card game ad.
3)Space Dandy(9/10). Bebop the comedy. That is all.
2)Parasyte (9,5/10) Why can´t you be as perfect as the manga ? Soundtrack, male lead and voice acting of the year. Episode 24(my favorite manga ending ever) can´t come soon enough.
1)Mushishi Zoku Shou (10/10). Best directing of the year and the best anime since Baccano. True art.
2014 was the best tv one in years and i can make a representable Top 10 for once since at least 5 years. Well done japan ! The creative side of the industry is now cooking with gas again. Hooray.
2015 has Durarara 2, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, a Ghost in the Shell/Mushishi movie and the Legend of the Galactic Heroes re-imagining(best anime ever). Onwards and upwards."

Ok i am back. This were my favorite shows with Ghost in the Shell: Arise(9/10) as the best ova and Giovanni's Island(8,5/10) as the best movie.
I hope i made sense and as shows this was also the year of the most produced anime tv shows of all time to my knowledge.
This does worry me but as i said it was possible to watch high quality anime on most week days for the second half of the year. Let´s have a great 2015.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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6:56 am, Jan 9 2015
Posts: 1041


it sounds like you are getting old and not liking boob-anime or ECCHI anime anymore

and you instead started to like angsty pretentious story telling instead

anime is just as awful 2014 as it was 2001 or 1991 or 1971
it is entertainment

the reasons more and more anime gets made is just the way the capitalist system works
milk,milk and milk the cow till it produce less milk and then just crush her skull and get a new one or two
the milking will continue for many more years to come

Post #659536 - Reply to (#659535) by TaoPaiPai
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Memento Mori

7:12 am, Jan 9 2015
Posts: 365

Quote from residentgrigo
Legend of the Galactic Heroes re-imagining(best anime ever).

WTF, Why havent i heard of this until now!

Source please?

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"
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Seinen is RIGHT

10:46 am, Jan 9 2015
Posts: 2411

Rejoice EternalNightmare: lactic-heroes-novels-get-anime
Siegfried Kircheis is once again among us again !
This is my japanse top 3:Berserk the manga(the skippy anime/games are good but the movies don´t exist), then Legend of the Galactic Heroes and finaly Monster(both versions). Seinen forever eyes .

Animes are also selling again as you see here but he numbers are a bit problematic. Read the comments there for furter insight and you may even recognize a certain MU-goon.
Still the long night may be over: highlight=

Please don´t put me in a grave. I am only 26 and ecchi was never good to me.
Give me meaningful sex or go home.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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Post #659754
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9:16 am, Jan 12 2015
Posts: 44

nice share man

about "Legend of the Galactic Heroes re-imagining", its not remaking. Its another story of original novel.

Last edited by ALT+CTL at 9:49 am, Jan 12 2015

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