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Things that annoy you about the opposite sex

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Post #119426 - Reply to (#119423) by Mamsmilk
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Crazy Cat Lady

12:37 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 1850

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from TofuQueen
Quote from Mamsmilk
I hate nagging!
I goddamn hate nagging! D:<

So do it the first time you're asked, already!! laugh

Nagging just slows me down and makes me
want to punch the face 2 inches inside. <__<
Not like I do, but I feel like it. XD

Well, I hate nagging too - hate nagging & hate being nagged. dead

But the sad fact is that some stuff *needs* to be done, so I'll remind nicely & then if it doesn't get done my reminders slowly descend into nagging - that's why I say "do it the first time you're asked". Of course this is parent-child nagging I'm doing... no

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992

12:41 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 325

Oh god, i have a huge list since i live with the opposite sex (not relatives)

The whole playing with people's hearts works both ways. It's even deadlier when the woman knows how to play a man. In fact, both the girls i live with are afraid of commitment.

I hate it when girls preach about equality, and suddenly say "well i'm a girl" or "you're a man, you do it". Make up your mind! If you wanted to be treated equally, take the good and the bad. If you're going to treat me as a man, do it, don't turn it on and off when you need something.

They always think they're right...i got into an argument with one of the people on weight watchers and how it is a diet. She doesn't understand that they advertise it as not a diet, but if you change, restrict, or limit what you eat in any way, it is a diet! It's partially my degree! i know! (this also works both ways)

What i dislike about my own gender? Social stereotype prevents a lot of us from showing emotion, or when we do we're immediately labelled metro, queer, gay, et-cetera.

Guys that hit girls...hate them (but i also hate girls who know i won't hit them and take advantage of that)

Hate stubborn guys that won't listen (works both genders)

and i'll stop there...

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12:42 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 752

Actually nagging is way better than your partner not saying what she/he wants and you are just suppose to somehow know it.

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12:47 pm, Feb 5 2008
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I hate arrogant men. Especially, short arrogant men. Especially, short, fat, arrogant men that have nothing to be arrogant about.

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12:54 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 435

guys that spit, act tough ,have pants down their ass n bullyin

never fr0wn cause you never know whos in love with your sm smile e
Your mind is like a parachute it works best when its open
Post #119435 - Reply to (#119430) by MajorMarmot
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2nd wave MU user

12:57 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 7787

Quote from MajorMarmot
Actually nagging is way better than your partner not saying what she/he wants and you are just suppose to somehow know it.

Prolly, but they could just say stuff like: "I think that b laablaablaa~"
or "I feel this and that and it and those and..." instead of
"You just blaablaa!" or
"You never get things blaablaa." or
"Once again you blaablaa!"

Last edited by Mamsmilk at 1:03 pm, Feb 5 2008

Post #119438 - Reply to (#119435) by Mamsmilk
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Crazy Cat Lady

1:07 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 1850

Quote from Mamsmilk
"You jut blaablaa!" or
"You never get things blaablaa." or
"Once again you blaablaa!"

Oh...see...I think of that as complaining. To me, nagging is more a case of reminding over & over in a progressively more irritated voice, sometimes with "This is the 10th time I've reminded you about this - yes I DID keep count - and (whatever) still needs to be done. I'm starting to get very frustrated & angry!!!" laugh

I'll agree 100% that females who expect males to know what to do without being told and then get pissy about it but never actually TELL the guy what's wrong are irritating. ( some situations the guy really SHOULD know what to do, but still, not telling him what they're pissed about is stupid.)

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992

1:17 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 325

fan girls.

Post #119444 - Reply to (#119438) by TofuQueen
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2nd wave MU user

1:17 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 7787

Quote from TofuQueen
Quote from Mamsmilk
"You jut blaablaa!" or
"You never get things blaablaa." or
"Once again you blaablaa!"

Oh...see...I think of that as complaining.

You can nag in many words.

Post #119446 - Reply to (#119434) by blueberriexc
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1:19 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 588

Quote from blueberriexc
guys that spit, act tough ,have pants down their ass n bullyin

haha, wanna be gangsters, high schools are full of dumb guys like them.

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Mad With a Hat

1:54 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 4764

What I annoys me about guys... lemme see..
Well, the once in highschool are acting all tough and you can't get a nice word from them.. I guesse they will consider complementing someone not manly>.< (Gay guys rule smile wink grin )
Good thing they turn out better as they grow (lets hold fingers crossed...)

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
Post #119465 - Reply to (#119463) by NightSwan
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1:55 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 588

Quote from NightSwan
Good thing they turn out better as they grow (lets hold fingers crossed...)

Not true in the least.

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2:00 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 207

How you treat them super nice and later when you ask them out they put you off as only a "friend". Time passes and she starts going out with a jerk then asks "why can't he be more like you?". UMMMMM Yeah.....
::Edit:: This goes for both guys and girls ^^;;;.

Post #119474 - Reply to (#119470) by xisaacbx
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2:07 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 548

Quote from xisaacbx
How you treat them super nice and later when you ask them out they put you off as only a "friend". Time passes and she starts going out with a jerk then asks "why can't he be more like you?". UMMMMM Yeah.....
::Edit:: This goes for both guys and girls ^^;;;.

about your problem its probably cause you never flirted with her....or if you did then it was to late and she labeled you as a not possible bf

i was nervous at first it was big & long & went straight up i had to try it i eased onto it & liked it! i went up & down on it.... i love escalators now! biggrin

(great onizuka ftw)
Post #119478 - Reply to (#119470) by xisaacbx
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2:16 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 588

Quote from xisaacbx
How you treat them super nice and later when you ask them out they put you off as only a "friend". Time passes and she starts going out with a jerk then asks "why can't he be more like you?". UMMMMM Yeah.....
::Edit:: This goes for both guys and girls ^^;;;.

my date dumped me for a crack head once. I was like, "What the hell is this! You're going to th edance with some pot smoking sex offender? Well where did I go wrong?"

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