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Did you ever faint?
I had a close encounter!
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6:29 am, Jun 6 2014
Posts: 21

I fell and injured my arm a few weeks ago. I didn't feel much pain for the first 10 seconds but as I went to go inside to tell my mum my friends voices strayed to sound really distant, spots in my vision and dizziness. I ran inside and dived onto the lounge. I might have passed out for like a second or something they said but idk lol. Eitherway it was a close call (#2)

Another time was when I had the flu, I was having a shower and the air got to steamy, I became really light headed and started screaming :3 I ran outta the bathroom and onto my bed naked >~< That was close call #1

You watch too much anime.
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9:13 am, Jun 6 2014
Posts: 187

I fainted in a museum. I fainted while I was on a school outing to a bee keeping place (no, I did not faint because I'm scared of bees). I fainted in front of my class while doing a presentation. I fainted when I was building up a stand to sell clothes. I fainted while going to the beach.
So yes, I have fainted before, many many times. Still more to come.

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Post #643928

9:18 am, Jun 6 2014
Posts: 226

no, the closest ive been to fainting would be something like falling asleep after staying awake for 3 days.

I have seen someone faint before, it was at a school assembly, he was like 14 or something. Everything was silent and all you could hear was someone drop to the floor. He got back up a minute later though. It was a full school assembly in a hall/gym that had 1000+ students in there. He was pretty embarrassed but I'm sure most people didn't know what happened.

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12:01 pm, Jun 20 2014
Posts: 646

I've fainted once - I think. When I woke up, I was on the floor, and can't remember how I got there. I do have epilepsy (another reason for inexplicably being on the floor smile ) but I didn't have any post-seizure symptoms on this particular occasion, so I think it was a faint.

I've had a few close calls. There was an occasion when I cut my finger and there was tons of blood; I definitely almost fainted then. A couple of times after getting blood tests. There have been other occasions when I've felt faint and dizzy but most of these were before I was on medication for my epilepsy, so they were likely near-seizures rather than near-faints.

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