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Post #85777
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2nd wave MU user

9:26 am, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 7784

Then again, why is it so weird? roll

Post #85784 - Reply to (#85767) by Dr. Love
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9:41 am, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 872

Quote from Dr. Love
Where did you hear that from..? >.>

The thing about Europe? Can't remember, but it is a country where a hot day is a rarity

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Post #85786 - Reply to (#85784) by tps2
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9:45 am, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 7784

Quote from tps2
Quote from Dr. Love
Where did you hear that from..? >.>

The thing about Europe? Can't remember, but it is a country where a hot day is a rarity

I am from Europe and never have I seen such except for wet shirt contests. biggrin

Post #85789 - Reply to (#85784) by tps2
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9:49 am, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 9026

Quote from tps2
Quote from Dr. Love
Where did you hear that from..? >.>

The thing about Europe? Can't remember, but it is a country where a hot day is a rarity

Yeah, I'm from Europe too.. Never heard of that.. >.>

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #85795
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10:22 am, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 872

Maybe it is in Oriental Europe... if they lied I will claim revenge!

Did you guys saw any thread being locked recently? It has been a while since I saw Lambschopsil locking one...

Last edited by tps2 at 12:27 pm, Nov 5 2007

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1:14 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 435

question why does the us not use the metric system?my teachersdont no

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Your mind is like a parachute it works best when its open
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Crazy Cat Lady

1:27 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1850

According to wikipedia: "The United States and the United Kingdom see active opposition to metrication today, the main objections being based in localism, tradition, cultural aesthetics, economic impact, repeating decimal notation when dividing by some numbers (3,6,7,9 etc), or distaste for measures viewed as "foreign"."

I don't think there's a specific reason, other than resistance to change & being comfortable with what we've always used. I know about how long a mile is, to walk or to drive, but a kilometer?? Not really... dead

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992
Post #85922 - Reply to (#83658) by Dr. Love

1:29 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 42

Quote from Dr. Love
- Why so many people(most of them women) think that chivalry is dead..?

- Oh yeah, I've never really understood the concept that you have to put the toilet seat

Well, chivalry has as its basic assumption the idea that woman are not capable of caring for themselves and need the extra help, so in that sense it whould die.

If the toilet seat isn't down when you sit you can get stuck. This really sucks. Especially at 4 in the morning when you just got up to pee and you have to call your bf out of bed to help you get unstuck. Not that this happened to me or anything >_<

What's with those games with the little figurines? What's the appeal?

Post #85925
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1:35 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 9026

Yeah, but I mean, why do some women kind of 'demand' that? Can't they put the toilet seat down theirselves with their.. ehm, hands?

And yeah, you're right about chivalry..

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #85926 - Reply to (#85911) by blueberriexc
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Mome Basher

1:36 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 3380

Quote from blueberriexc
question why does the us not use the metric system?my teachersdont no

The reason would be money. If the U.S would want to change to the metric system, imagine how much it would cost to change the equipments that they use, not to mention that training will be needed for its citizens.

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Post #85929
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1:37 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 9026

I work with kilometers.. and I find that it's better.. I mean almost all countries use that, except America, England maybe(?) and other english-speaking countries, no?

source: animenewsnetwork

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Crazy Cat Lady

1:39 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1850

Toilet seat problem solved: keep the whole LID down at all times the toilet isn't in use! eyes (This also solves the problem of things being accidentally dropped into the toilet - toothbrushes, hair clips, etc. - which can cause nasty clogs.)

Quote from Dr. Love
I work with kilometers.. and I find that it's better.. I mean almost all countries use that, except America, England maybe(?) and other english-speaking countries, no?

England is officially metric. The only three countries that are NOT metric are the US, Liberia, and Myanmar.

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992
Post #85935 - Reply to (#85925) by Dr. Love

1:44 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 42

Quote from Dr. Love
Yeah, but I mean, why do some women kind of 'demand' that? Can't they put the toilet seat down theirselves with their.. ehm, hands?

And yeah, you're right about chivalry..

Women demand that so they don't get stuck in the toilet at 4 in the morning!

I agree. Just keep the lid down. It solves all of these problems and more.

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2:34 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 2708

Quote from Dr. Love
Yeah, but I mean, why do some women kind of 'demand' that? Can't they put the toilet seat down theirselves with their.. ehm, hands?

Germs, maybe? I don't know, I'll put it down with my hands.

I wish we would convert to the metric system, I really prefer it and it's what I'm used to working with.

My question: Why is it that sometimes when you're typing and go back to fix a mistake, it will untype something? Let me give an example. Say you typed 'tht' instead of 'that'. You go back to place an 'a' between 'h' and 't', but instead of putting the 'a' in the spot, it erases the 't' instead. Why does that happen?!

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
Post #85959 - Reply to (#85957) by xShatteredSoulx
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Crazy Cat Lady

2:36 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1850

Quote from xShatteredSoulx
My question: Why is it that sometimes when you're typing and go back to fix a mistake, it will untype something? Let me give an example. Say you typed 'tht' instead of 'that'. You go back to place an 'a' between 'h' and 't', but instead of putting the 'a' in the spot, it erases the 't' instead. Why does that happen?!

That's because you're in "overstrike" mode rather than "insert" mode, so what you're typing goes "over" what you've already written rather than being inserted. Hitting the "insert" key once should fix it (and if you hit the "insert" key again, it'll go back to overstrike).

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992
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