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New Poll - Publication Frequency

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9:44 am, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 10683

Another poll from residentgrigo (probably the last one in a while). This week, we're dealing with your preferred publication frequency per chapter. For example, many of the shounen series are weekly, but many other smaller series are monthly. The last option doesn't really happen in the real world, as far as I know (not counting oneshots and doujinshi here), but hey, I guess it'd be nice if it DID happen! Or you just get overwhelmed because now you have so many chapters to read at once...

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Question: For a completed series, do you skip to the ending for any reason?
All the time - votes: 184 (2.1%)
Often - votes: 643 (7.5%)
Seldom - votes: 2765 (32.1%)
Never - votes: 5014 (58.3%)
There were 8606 total votes.
The poll ended: February 13th 2016

Spoiler alert! Don't read ahead! (Just kidding)

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Mad With a Hat

1:06 pm, Feb 13 2016
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One volume at a time.
Waiting for a new chapter is so agonizing... And when it's like 20 pages long... >_>;

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1:13 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 374

Weekly/Biweekly is fine, monthly might make me put it on hold for a while. Bimonthly/Quarterly is a joke to read ongoing. A volume at a time depends on how much time passes between each volume.

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1:32 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 421

As I read a huge variety of Manga/Manhwa/Manhua/LN, I've experienced every kinda publication frequency (per chapter) stated there. Though I know how hard it's for Authors and Artists, the WAITING simply kills me.

For a Complete Series, The entire series in one go would be nice.

@lambchopsil - Though we may just get overwhelmed because now we have so many chapters to read at once, The Expectation will not be on the same level as ongoing periodical release ones. And the hype will die down soon enough.

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:55 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 2409

I deliberate wait multiple month between submitting poll ideas and occasionally look at the backlog for "missing" ones but my next turn is indeed in the future. 1/50 of MU users always start with the ending and 1/3 just need the right circumstances. Interesting.

Monthly sound like a healthy work schedule but good art takes time in any medium so i will never complain if a schedule starts to slip if the end result is worth it.
Thus: If it takes forever I will wait for you, For a thousand summers I will wait for you.
I also wrote a bit on why waiting is important and needed here. The manga in question only became bigger (in every possible way) during the last decade of "non-regular publication" so i have a point. I wish that more mangaka would start to recognize that they are bigger than their inhuman editors and work on their own terms (even if just for health reasons) but that can also backfire as the constantly delayed Image comics managed to prove in the 90s by helping to tank an entire industry. No books = No sales! All in moderation, i guess...

Weekly schedules are utter murder and ended the careers of high profile mangaka (hello SJ) way too often and way too soon. This publication form will also lead to 5 volumes or 1000 pages (half of Akira!) a year which is the definition of quantity over quality.
The reasonably new weekly comics are also way more messy that any other form of publication in the field of US comics so you know which option i would pick last.
Female targeted weekly manga stopped being a thing in the late 80s and i open up a thread around that question in the past but feel free to enlighten me.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 12:15 pm, Feb 17 2016

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #676764

3:17 pm, Feb 13 2016
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Post #676766 - Reply to (#676755) by lambchopsil
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Seinen is RIGHT

3:58 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 2409

I meant "irreguar publication" with my original option When it's done, which is an agreed upon slang for that, so the (interesting) "The entire series in one go" ended up being a major change if that is how you interpreted it. Unless it was a deliberate change.
I know of manga that came out in form of printed volumes and never ran in a magazine, or even where the last 2 volumes came out on the same day, but i have no example for the destined No.2. How uncharacteristic of me... Let´s call it the "Netflix Model".
Which means that such a publication form will become real one of these days!
(1000+ page books also exist.)

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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7:55 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 566

I prefer the dream world of the entire series in one go. I don't really see how people would feel overwhelmed by this. It would be the same as when a novel is released. And for someone like me who has a horrible memory, I don't have to go back and reread previous chapters to understand what's going on in the latest chapter.

I mostly only read series that are completely scanlated. This has more to do with the scanlators than the actual publication schedule, though. So often, I've started reading a manga that was being regularly updated and then the scanlator starts releasing the manga infrequently or drops it altogether. Unless it's a really popular series, you can't count on it always being scanlated at a regular pace, so I like to wait for the whole series to be completed.

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9:02 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 838

I tend to binge on the weekends so getting a complete series would be wonderful if it ever happened. Otherwise, as long as a series has regular updates and the cliffhangers aren't too painful, I am fine with whatever.

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11:51 pm, Feb 13 2016
Posts: 25

A volume at a time like most published novels.
Having to weather through cliffhanger after cliffhanger is aggravating.

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1:58 am, Feb 14 2016
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5:50 am, Feb 14 2016
Posts: 43

I prefer Weekly, although lately i just look to read finish series because i hate to wait.

Post #676801
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10:18 am, Feb 14 2016
Posts: 402

I won't read anything until it's finished anymore, so I suppose my choice is the entire series.

As for how I would release if I could... daily.

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1:07 am, Feb 15 2016
Posts: 354

official publications, whole series is ideal since I usually like to buy the whole series in one go if possible (cheaper too). If not, volume at a time since I'm used to it. I don't mind as long as it is every few months if the series is complete already in originating country. Also need to have plans on acutally releasing the whole thing; not feeling for the market and quitting in the middle. I hate that.

Preferred scanlation release (not publication) would be something regular from weekly to monthly as long as it is consistent

Post #676913
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12:12 pm, Feb 17 2016
Posts: 315

monthly. most of the series i read are released monthly and the page length is usually pretty good, like around 40ish pages, enough for some plot to happen and to end at a good spot without feeling rushed or choppy.

i really hated it the few times i read some shounen that were updated weekly, the 16pg chapters were just too little! a little bit of action happened and then BAM "to be continued" ugh! i often ended up dropping these series or just waiting until they completed in order to finish because the choppiness was mind boggling.

i read a few series that are released quarterly. it's pure torture ;_;

omg whoever is saying daily is asking for a dead mangaka.

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