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Forgot the title, help find

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8:42 pm, Jan 6 2018
Posts: 2

Please help me find the the title to both manga

The mc just started a game and he has an ability where he has a box and every time he pulls something out, it's random. He also got tricked into joining an organization called anti something. I think he has a brother/relative that's a gm/admin

there's also another one I can't really remember much but there's a scene around the beginning of the manga where mc went to get his broken tv (was it even a tv? can't remember) fixed and on the way home he bumped into someone (a girl i think) and the tv broke. The girl then follows mc and helps him carry something as her apology for breaking the tv

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12:17 am, Jan 7 2018
Posts: 52

First one might be EXEcutional

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12:26 pm, Jan 7 2018
Posts: 2

Yes! biggrin That's the one
I was looking for

Thanks! smile

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