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Problems with loading the site

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A manga parasite

3:23 am, Jul 26 2018
Posts: 319

For a couple of days I have problems with loading the site.
For example I click on releases and then I get a page with a connection error. If I renew the page nothing happens, then a second time the site loads. This happens a lot, if I load a series page I get it regularly. When I update a series 8 times out of 10 I get the message. The server seems to be down on the moment.
Are their others with this problem?

Edit: I get this error message a couple times before I could post this forum post. So a duplicate might be added.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
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7:59 am, Jul 26 2018
Posts: 10658

Hmm, not getting that symptom. I don't believe the server is down either

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #762447
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12:57 pm, Jul 26 2018
Posts: 2658

Can you try clearing your cache? I'm not getting that either.

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