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I need help finding this manga

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5:39 am, Feb 24 2021
Posts: 2

What I can remember about the manga is that the main character gives birth to a baby. The father of the baby is from a Rich family and both the father and the mother of the baby are high schoolers. The nanny of the baby tries to kidnap the baby but it gets stopped. The nanny is mentally ill after losing her own kid. Also the mother kind of put her up to it. The male lead at first isn't in love with the main character but overtime falls in love with her. The male lead sister is in love with the main character's brother. The parents of the main character are jerks and the father I think is the one who killed the male leads father.

Please 🙏 help me find this manga


10:52 am, Feb 24 2021
Posts: 2

I found it myself the name is Nan Eomma Nun Appa.

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