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New Poll - Author Morality

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10:16 am, Dec 22 2021
Posts: 388

I used to think no, but then I encountered a few stories that I enjoyed and later found the author to be reprehensible. I could not enjoy their works anymore in the same way. It all really depends.

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1:35 pm, Dec 22 2021
Posts: 3

If it's a good story, I'll read it. I couldn't care less about who the author is, or what they do in their free time.

Post #794251 - Reply to (#794250) by TUnicorn
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1:40 pm, Dec 22 2021
Posts: 38

Quote from TUnicorn
If it's a good story, I'll read it. I couldn't care less about who the author is, or what they do in their free time.

Cant agree more.

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6:57 pm, Dec 22 2021
Posts: 452

It depends on how the author injects his or her views into the work.

For example, Brandon Sanderson; a famous Fantasy/Scifi novelist; is very much Christian, but actually takes the care to understand Atheists and those of conflicting religious views when writing characters who are not modeled on Christians. Atheistic characters feel like actual people with real views; not just stupid children who aren't yet enlightened on the way things Really are.

On the other hand, Karen F. Williams; a minor lesbian-romance novelist; forced her Christian views into her novel Coyote Blues to the point that maybe 1/10th of the novel is a character explaining what her view of "Real Christianity" is and how "Real Christianity accepts LGBT" and such. I don't need to hear this, I just want to read the damn story. An otherwise good novel became something I can't recommend to my friends because of the Author's obnoxious self-injection.

So, to summarize: If the author can reign in their morals like Brandon Sanderson; the author's morals do not matter. If the author self-injects too much, it matters.

Post #794265

2:12 pm, Dec 23 2021
Posts: 16

of course it has an affect, how much is the question. i don't assume all art is supposed to represent the beliefs of the artists, just perhaps their experience.


3:02 pm, Dec 23 2021
Posts: 18

For me I don't really care but I probably wouldn't spend money on it and read it where it doesn't profit them

Like you said it really depends, if I have already read it I'll probably continue but if I haven't I probably wouldn't start it

Post #794283

12:41 am, Dec 24 2021
Posts: 263

what the author writes and what they do outside of writing are 2 different things and I do not care at all about, the only time its an issue is if it gets hamfisted into a story.

there is one other time... the director Victor Salva, not knowing his history, I could watch his movies and largely not care, but holy shit, the person is a monster who is unrepentant. Real hard to seperate the art and artist in this case where after he was let go he went on to film what he did.

Post #794284 - Reply to (#794216) by mattai

12:52 am, Dec 24 2021
Posts: 263

but at that point it's not that the authors outside work ruins your enjoyment of the work, it's the work itself that you don't enjoy

Post #794289 - Reply to (#794221) by residentgrigo

1:01 am, Dec 24 2021
Posts: 263

lets be fair with this, games journalism is kind of extremely woke, and the last thing you really want to get out ahead of something is them trying everything to modern day politics because they couldn't get a job as a political pundit and had to write about video games. I have no idea what the netflix resident evil is about/is like at all, maybe it needs to be explained, maybe not, but i'm personally sick of looking up a review for a game and having 2/3 of it complain about non relevant to the story crap, or look at guilty crown, where there were reviewers who said if you liked the sourcers, you are a pedo, then going on to call the game horrendously sexist like dude, I want to know gameplay.

tldr, I get where companies are coming from barring political discussion in a review, you can easily call something crap without going into real world politics.

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10:27 am, Dec 24 2021
Posts: 1205

I think I’m easily triggered by political propaganda works. I remember getting so mad at reading Solo Leveling novel because the author inserted his ideology there. Mostly because I don’t expect the work to have such a thing. Unlike sexism in Chinese manhua, I know its there, so I only read them when I want to get angry.

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4:10 pm, Dec 24 2021
Posts: 151

Even if they try, a piece of work will always include elements that reflect the author in one way or another. Even if he creates characters entirely to himself or his own thinking, the author will always have something to say about them. Especially in the world of manga or light novels, chances are that sooner or later you'll end up finding out something the author said and then you'll be certain that his or her views were undoubtedly reflected in his or her work.

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