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te lastest chapter! those who have read the recent chapter!

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12:45 pm, Aug 21 2011
Posts: 10

okay i just read the lastes chapter of dengeki daisy and it left me wantin more. so i have been wondering something about the lastest chapter 33.
! spoiler alert!
[you know how teru messages kurasaki that she doens't want to be with the person who hurt her brother, along those lines. ]

so, my question is that did she write that herself or did the other guy force her too? i mean why would she do that to him, its just sad. what are your opinions about the story so far? confused

Post #493106
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3:41 pm, Aug 30 2011
Posts: 28

She didn't write this, but she has send it. Well she thought it was a password to make the ferris wheel going.
I can't wait for the next chapter >w<

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5:52 am, Aug 31 2011
Posts: 209

I honestly cried! Why? Why is he leaving her without saying anything?! I really hate that kind of people. But somehow I just can't hate him even though I really try to hate him :/

He stepped back and threw his arms out.
"I'm always crazy around you Rose. Here, I'm going to write an impromptu poem for you."
He tipped his head back and shouted to the sky:
"Rose is in red
But never in blue
Sharp as a thorn
Fights like one too.” - Adrian; Shadow Kiss chapter-16.html
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8:16 pm, Sep 2 2011
Posts: 11

For anyone who's read chapter 36 now, can someone explain the "Raiden" thing to me? haha I'm not sure if it had a lot of language that didn't translate well, or I just don't know enough about computers and politics, but I still feel confused as to what happened. I probably re-read the part where
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
they're talking about the politician who was involved and the town
like 3 times.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
I don't get the relationship between the town, politician, and the I don't understand why it is that they get so upset and what exactly the professor was opposing. I'm not sure if it's all that I'm important, since the key part of the story seemed to be that this mess lead to Kurosaki's dad dying, but I'd still like to understand. haha
I think I'm fairly intelligent but for some reason I just don't get it. confused If someone could explain this to me, it would be really awesome! smile hopefully before the next chapter comes out.

I love finding out about Kurosaki's past though! eyes and I never even thought of that song as being how the name came about.

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5:21 am, Sep 16 2011
Posts: 52

the recent chapter 41 is so cute...... I almost cried but I didn't >.<
Kurosaki is sooooo cute when he cried.... ^^

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