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High time for a new story arc in Gintama

Do you think it is high time a new story arc is started in Gintama something that would change Gintoki's life?
Yes it is high time for more interesting randomess fun
No continue with the randomness fun
I don't care
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Post #584713

5:46 pm, Jan 20 2013
Posts: 399

I think a new arc should be started which would change the way Gintoki lives his life. The radomness with always odd jobs is getting boring and tiresome. I think a change should be made where now Gintoki is forced to live more responsible but still just as reckless and irresponsible as always but only slightly better.

Maybe tie him down to a women in a hilarious way and that would be the start of his new life. Still odd jobs with responsibilities and side jobs. Otae seems like the funniest pair up. If Otae, Gintoki would be forced to teach swordsmanship in her dojo on top of his odd jobs. I can imagine him laying on his side picking his nose while teaching. If they have a kid also babysitting at the sametime. With him would probably also attract alot of students because Gintoki already has a reputation of being strong fighter and Otae always scolding him for not doing it properly. What would be more hilarious would be the other characters reactions to this.

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