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anyone know what this is?

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9:51 pm, Mar 22 2013
Posts: 25 igan_guni/v01/c001/4.html
and igan_guni/v01/c001/5.html

"For in all the world there are no people so piteous and forlorn as those who are forced to eat the bitter bread of dependency in their old age, and find how steep are the stairs of another man's house. Wherever they go they know themselves unwelcome. Wherever they are, they feel themselves a burden. There is no humiliation of the spirit they are not forced to endure. Their hearts are scarred all over with the stabs from cruel and callous speeches."
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10:46 pm, Mar 22 2013
Posts: 546

1. By Yonekura Kengo - I'm not sure if it's a series or just an illustration.
2. Pure Love's Sexy Time

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