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6:38 pm, Feb 26 2008
Posts: 10

I remember reading a manga about vampires and some people who hunted them down. I don't really remember much since it was a long time ago but, one of the guys who was after the vampires controlled this girl who wore a maid outfit and whose weapon was a broom. I think there were one or two vampires in that fight, but one of them was watching, and he seemed like a kid. There were also two girls, one was a teenager, and the other was a kid, with black hair in braids. She also had glasses. I think the teenager found the vampire kid in an ally, when someone tried to kill him. I think she went to the other black haired kid because she knew some stuff about them.
Thats all I remember, If anyone knows the name of the series or has an idea of what it might be, please tell me.

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10:25 pm, Feb 29 2008
Posts: 18

It might be Vampire Doll it sounds kind of like it......

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