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5:23 am, Nov 29 2013
Posts: 94

Who else felt like punching a wall in after reading the latest chapter, like wtf they are already that close why put a huge as distance between them mad mad mad mad mad

I like turtles
Post #622457
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6:27 am, Nov 29 2013
Posts: 43

I've read the final chapter in Spanish, so I'm not going to spoil you, but I think that the problem with a lot of mangas is the mangaka wanting to give "tension" until the end, which makes the readers (or at least me and some other occidental readers) think "Why? You could do it better and/or easier.".

Probably it's hard to find the perfect ending, to convince most of the readers with it,...

True, I've given up on the real world, however I haven't given up on myself. The world doesn't get to decide whether my life is boring, fun, or ordinary coz that's my decision to make. As long as I have the will nothing is impossible!
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