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Current Status (Hiatus due to Sensei's poor health)

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7:33 pm, Jun 14 2014
Posts: 9

From Sensei's blog, back in January (2014)
お知らせ/読者 の皆さまへ
2014.01.08 Wednesday 04:24
先日、裏僕の連 載再開をお知ら せしたばかりで すが、
再び小田切の体 調不良により、 連載を休止する ことになりまし た。
小田切は、現在 、治療に専念さ せていただいて おります。

ずっと応援くだ さった皆さまに は、本当に申し 訳ございません
新しい年が、皆 さまにとって幸 せなものとなり ますように…


Message/To the readers

Just the other day it was announced that UraBoku would resume, however
due to the Odagiri's poor health, it was decided that the series would be paused again.
Currently, Odagiri is devoting herself to treatment.

To everyone who has been supporting us all this time, I'm very, very sorry.
[something about a new year and hoping everyone can have a happy time]

Staff K

(Probably many mistakes in above translation.)

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6:19 pm, Jun 21 2014
Posts: 139

Good to know the status of the series, I hope she feels better soon.

Post #650360
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6:31 pm, Aug 21 2014
Posts: 66

Okay, I do want my mangas but the mangakas are altogether much more important, so good to hear of news about sensei and I hope her health improves.


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