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Need some help finding this song...

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8:46 pm, Aug 29 2014
Posts: 452

Okay, so like, 7 or so years ago I heard this parody song of some popular rock song. The only thing I remember were the lyrics (in the parody song) containing "cardiac arrest, now".

Don't really think anyone can figure it out with just that, buuut google hasn't been much help for me so far so if someone else has magical google powers maybe they can find it.

p.s. Not sure if this will help but I believe it was played on some Sirius channel.

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10:29 am, Sep 1 2015
Posts: 44

This is old, but if you haven't found it yet and still care, you might have some luck on which lets you search for specific lines in songs.
A search for 'cardiac arrest, now'

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