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The Witcher dilemma

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1:20 pm, May 21 2015
Posts: 120

So I'm thinking of joining the whole "The Witcher hype" and getting the new game. I have one small problem though, and it's that I haven't played the first two games. I've heard from various sources that you don't have to play the first games to play the new Witcher, but I don't know the story and I hate playing a game where I have no clue what's going on story wise.

To the problem in question---> The first game of the witcher is only avalible on PC. I don't have a gaming PC and I'm not planning on investing on one (me and my consoles are happy together). So do you gaming gurus think that I can play the game on a regular laptop/PC? Do you have experience from doing that? Positives/negatives?

And finally, what are your thoughts about the first/second game if you've played it? Good/bad?

All help is much appreciated!

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2:10 pm, May 21 2015
Posts: 57

First game doesn't need a powerful PC.
Both games are good, but totaly differ from onother.
More than playing the first 2 games you should read the 7 books that preceded all the games.
I read them 3 times so I may be biased.
(Huge Witcher fan)


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2:38 pm, May 21 2015
Posts: 2038

I enjoyed the first game, while the second sucked and I dropped the series with that. To give an example it felt like going from playing Neverwinter nights to playing Assassin's Creed. Better said, it's not like it sucked "per se", it's simply a different genre that I rarely play and care for, there are definitely people who can enjoy more the 2nd game.

If you go here it tells you if your pc can play the game. Hope it helps.

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Seinen is RIGHT

2:48 pm, May 21 2015
Posts: 2406

You can start with the 3rd one as all are written as standalone tales even if continuity exist. The games and books may or may not be set in their own continuity as the author (NOT a gamer at all) and the developed have said conflicting things. Shrug.

Game 1 is 45 hours long and is a great RPG that was already a bit dated at the time of release. The story kind of doesn´t go anywhere but the personal conflicts are all very good. The infamous sex elements are downright embarrassing at time (sleep with all and get a health upgrade) but the 2 female leads were actually good and choices mattered in the long run. 8,5/10 and the dice minigame was just the best.

Game 2 had a big improvement in terms of budget and all systems were highly streamlined so this is a "worse" RPG experience overall. The world is smaller so it is "only" 25 hours long but there is nothing wrong with polish and focus. The choices system was changed so that it mostly impacts the middle portion where you get to see a war from one side or the other which is a good idea. The overall narrative fidelity improved too and the final confrontation with the King Slayer is exceptional as you can... 9/10

I read all 7 original books back in the day wich i wouldn´t do now as Sapkowski´s prose may be phenomenal and the world is very rich in detail but the story itself is a barely moving mess. Geralt isn´t even the true lead (who is?) and the second half of Ciri subplot is trash. The final book is further a bigger mess than the closing one from the Dark Tower as the story goes way meta here too so the games need to be treated as their own entity thanks to that one.The author even comes of as a misogynist at times as his high amount of female characters are either bisexual sex puppets, rape victims or both.
4/10 but pulp fans will love it.
The new comics are more side stories so i will stick to Dark Horse´s better Conan works.

I will buy the 3rd one in 2 weeks too and may end up putting 100 hours into the bad boy it seems as i tend to do all story mission in narrative based games.
I have a Platinum in Skyrim and 1250 points in Oblivion... I need help.
Start form the start as the series is worth it but they aren´t going anywhere too.
Oh Cyberpunk 2077. Be still my beating Cyberpunker heart.
Update: The Witcher in 5 Minutes may help. Yes the story can be that random at times.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 3:23 pm, May 21 2015

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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11:06 pm, May 21 2015
Posts: 10666

This might also help: 704506152

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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4:04 pm, May 22 2015
Posts: 120

Thanks for your advice, I will definitly try all of them!

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