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Help me find this manga!

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9:59 pm, Feb 1 2016
Posts: 4

I'm looking for this oneshot manga that I read some time ago. If anyone knows what it is, please let me know!

The basic premise of the oneshot is that a girl wakes up one day without her memory. She is told by an inventor-type guy (I think he had glasses?) that she is an android robot that he created. He has a newer prototype with him, which is a male and rather expressionless. She's essentially a very 'bad' android who has no grace or coordination whatsoever. The twist at the end is that she is actually human and the inventor's (scientist?) girlfriend, And he freaked out when she told him he couldn't remember him and told her something at random.

I can't say for sure, but the manga might be part of a collection of oneshots. It's shoujo with no adult overtones whatsoever. It's just a really cute and fluffy manga and I'd love to read it again.

Many thanks and a crown of awesomeness to anyone who can help! eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes smile wink grin smile wink grin smile wink grin smile wink grin smile smile smile


1:37 am, Feb 3 2016
Posts: 4

Ah nevermind! I found it! (took a lot of intensive googling haha)

Post #676472 - Reply to (#676469) by shadowqueen123
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Dark chocolate.

3:23 am, Feb 3 2016
Posts: 7

Ahem, you found out which manga it is, right? Could you please tell me the name of it? I want to read it too.


4:58 pm, Feb 3 2016
Posts: 4

It's Digital Honey by Ichikawa Shou, part of the Ouchi e Kaerou manga (last chapter). It's on mangafox. If you enjoy fluffy shoujo manga, you'll really like it! smile smile

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